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At around the same time Mikasa ran into the group of scavengers, Zeke sat in his tent, smoking a cigar quietly by himself. Winter wind whipped against the buffalo skin, causing a low whistling sound to ring in the Werewolf captain's ear. He scratched his left earlobe with the tip of his finger.

Suddenly, two Werewolf soldiers burst in. One had golden-blonde fur with the same color eyes, and the other had black fur with grey eyes. Both were large. Zeke turned his head to the both of them. He let out a puff of smoke.

"Anything?" he asked.

The two soldiers shifted into humans. It was Reiner and Bertholdt.

"Nothing. We can't find her anywhere" Reiner croaked, his voice growing panicked.

"There's still the south border" Bertholdt added. "Maybe she's-"

"Highly unlikely" Zeke interrupted the taller male. "The south border is completely uninhabited. No soldiers were assigned to patrol that area."

"Dammit!" Reiner suddenly yelled, slamming his fist down on the table Zeke kept in his tent. A book, a pack of cigars and a candle stick fell onto the ground.

"Calm down, Reiner. There's no use of wasting your energy on getting angry" Zeke advised.

"I'm not just gonna calm down!! Annie's out there all by herself! She could be in danger and we're just standing here with a foot up our asses!"

Zeke got up from his seat. He flung his cigar onto the ground, snuffing out the flame with his boot heel.

"Reiner, this is Annie Leonhardt we're talking about here. She's as tough as nails; she's far stronger than you or I and you know that. She's probably on her way back right now. Hell, maybe she's grabbing a small snack."

"But, captain," Bertholdt said quietly, a nervous sweat beginning to show on his tanned face, "she was assigned to patrol the border that separates our territory and the human's. What if she-"

"What's going on in here?" a deep voice boomed.

Zeke, Reiner and Bertholdt all turned their heads, then went down on their knees and bowed respectively. Grindor had walked into the tent.

"Did I interrupt something, gentlemen?" the chieftain asked.

"No. Not at all, Great One" Zeke replied, his head low to the ground.

"I heard you mention a Annie Leonhardt. Is there a problem?" Grindor's blood red eyes pierced down at the three soldiers.

"She hasn't returned from patrol, chief. We were just concerned" Reiner commented.

Grindor let out a low 'hmm'. He began walking around the tent, his large hands behind his back.

"Tell me, Captain Zeke. Why is it that you sent these two meatheads out to look for her?"

Zeke froze. A small lump of fear formed in his throat . He tried to shallow it down.

"I wanted to know where she was, chief. She's a strong soldier, and-"

He was stopped when Grindor's hand found its way around his throat. The Werewolf leader lifted him off the ground; Zeke gagged, almost choking on his own saliva.

"You sent two soldiers out without authorization, Captain. You know how much that pisses me off" Grindor growled.

"Let him go!" Reiner exclaimed.

The much taller man ignored him. "I don't care if Leonhardt is a captain or just another foot soldier; there is no need to fret over just another Werewolf. Understand?"

Zeke let out another hack, but he had somehow managed to nod his head. Grindor then dropped him onto the ground. Bertholdt and Reiner rushed over to aid their captain.

"I'm tired of you disobeying my orders, Zeke. There will be suitable punishment for you, but for now I want you lead a group of scouts out to Quakers Peak. Survey the area. Kill any humans you see" Grindor commanded.

"But sir, that area is ruled by scavengers. Besides, that area's not really-" Reiner started.

"SHUT IT!" the Werewolf chieftain roared. "If I hear any of you question my orders again, I'll string you up like all the other deserters!"

Zeke, Reiner and Bertholdt shut their mouths.

"I intended on conquering every inch of human territory, even small dumps run by those scavenger vermin. We are close to winning this war; those human filth are running low on weapons, as well as soldiers. Once we have more warriors, we'll destroy the Sliver Corps Clan, and the human rulers will have no choice but to surrender. Werewolves will rule the land of Maria, and it will be the birth of a grand new empire" Grindor droned on.

"Zeke, gather your soldiers and head out. Braun and Hoover, I suggest you go along with him" he added. "Do not fail me."

Grindor then left the tent, leaving the three others still on the ground.

"Are you alight Zeke?" Bertholdt asked his captain.

"I'm fine. Just a little dazed is all" the blonde replied, adjusting his wire glasses.

"We need a new leader" Reiner helped Zeke onto his feet. "The clan will fall apart if he remains in charge."

"I know, Reiner. I know. And it'll only get worse. I have a feeling that the High Chieftain will be returning soon."

Both Bertholdt and Reiner made faces, as if they were trying to hide that they were scared by Zeke's words.

"Not her" Bertholdt gasped.

"Yes her. And when she gets here, she'll make sure that this war ends swiftly. No matter how many lives are lost in the process" Zeke explained.

"Do you think Annie's ready, Zeke?" Reiner asked.

"She'll have to be, Reiner. Did you tell Marcel, Pieck and Porco to go out looking for her?"

"Not yet. But we will."

Zeke nodded. "Good. I just hope to Lunaria that she's alive. We need her. This whole clan needs her."

Sorry this chapter was so short.

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن