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"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" Eren roared, as he leaped from his horse and drew his blade. Jean and Connie did the same; Sasha pulled an arrow from her quiver, placing it in her bow string. Each of them pointed their weapons at the wounded Werewolf.

"Hey, wait! Wait a second!" Mikasa exclaimed. She moved in front of Annie, outstretching her arms to block her like a shield. Her friends looked down at her with both anger and confusion.

"Mikasa, are you out of your mind?!" Connie yelled. "Look what's behind you!"

"Move, Mikasa!" Jean commanded. "We have to kill it!"

"No one's killing anyone! Just calm down!" Mikasa yelled at them.


The black haired girl heard a pain-filled groan. She turned around and saw that Annie had shifted; she looked far times worse than she did in wolf form. Small scrapes covered her face, the cuts on her wrists and ankles due to the metal wire began to bleed, and the gash on her stomach was even worse now. A bloody arrow lay beside her. She whined. Mikasa quickly knelt down next to her.

"M-Mikasa?" Annie stuttered, grinding her teeth from the pain.

"Hold on, Annie. Try to keep still."

The ravenette then took a small section of her cloak in her hand and bit it off hard with her teeth. Once she got it completely off, she rolled it up and placed it gently onto the Annie's massive gash. Blood immediately stained the fabric.

"Hold that there" Mikasa said to Annie. The blonde did as she asked, moving her hand over the other girl's, using what energy she had left to put pressure on the wound.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER, DOG!" Eren yelled again, moving both himself and his sword closer to Mikasa and Annie.

"Eren, it's okay! Just calm down!"

"Just what in the hell is going on, Mikasa?!" Jean questioned.

"Yeah, why are you helping the enemy?!" Connie added on.

"Because she saved my life!" Mikasa yelled back at them.

The four young soldiers all made surprised faces.

"But....you told us a group of villagers saved you. Why would a...?" Sasha asked Mikasa, but she was much too shocked to finish her sentence

"I lied. I knew that if I told you the truth, you'd all think I was crazy. This is Annie. She was the one who saved me."

There was silence for a bit.

"You feeling any better?" the black haired girl asked, turning her direction back to the blonde.

"A little" Annie replied, shifting her weight onto her right side. "I see your leg is all better."

Mikasa couldn't help but chuckle. "Don't worry about me. I'm not the one who looks like shit."

Annie chuckled back, then whined again, putting even more pressure on the bleeding gash. "Fucking scavengers."

"You need proper medical care. You'll bleed out if that's not treated."

Mikasa then grabbed hold of Annie's arm and hung it over her shoulder. She slowly began to stand up, bringing Annie up with her. The ravenette heard a couple yelps escape the blonde's lips.

"Maybe you should sit back down" Mikasa suggested, but Annie declined.

"No, it's okay. I can manage."

Mikasa was unconvinced, but continued what she was doing anyway and finally got her on her feet.

"Mikasa, you better start explaining all of this" Jean warned gravely.

"And I will Jean, but not until I get her somewhere safe" she replied with a cold tone.

"There's no way I'm helping that dog!" Eren snarled, pointing his sword right at Annie. "She's the-"

"The secret cave" Sasha suddenly blurted out. Jean, Connie and Eren looked at her as if she had lost her mind.

"You know the one, Mikasa. No one else knows about that spot. You can treat her injuries there."

"Sasha, are you crazy!?" Connie yelled at her. "You just told a Werewolf where our cave was!"

"I know. But I trust Mikasa, and I know that she wouldn't be doing this for now reason at all" Sasha replied.

Mikasa looked up at Sasha, and gave her a look of gratitude.

"Thank you, Sasha" she smiled.

Sasha gave her a small smile back. "No problem."

Even though she was a little upset that Mikasa lied to them, Sasha could never stay mad at someone for long, and Mikasa definitely was one of those people she couldn't hold a grudge against.

"We should get moving. More scavengers could show up" she remarked.

"Fine" Eren grumbled. "But I'm only coming because I don't want my sister alone with that animal."

"Me too" Jean added.

Connie added as well: "Yeah."

Mikasa didn't hear any of what the three boys said. Neither did Annie. Both of them were slowly trudging over to Mikasa's horse, who was eating away at some of the last living grass poking out of the snow.

"So those are your friends, huh?" Annie asked.


"Are you sure this is a good idea? They don't exactly trust me, you know. And I don't trust them."

When they reached the horse, Mikasa carefully helped Annie onto the back end of the saddle. She hopped on quickly after, grabbing the reins.

"I know you don't trust them, and I know they definitely don't trust you. But you need medical attention" Mikasa replied.

"And besides, I trust you enough to know you won't hurt them."

After unhooking the lead from the tree, Mikasa snapped the reins and started heading towards the exit of the forest. Her friends followed close behind.

Eren didn't take his eye off of Annie for one second. He kept a tight grip on his sword, his angry glare piercing at the blonde girl so hard she could almost feel it. Annie looked out of the corner of her eye at the brunette; she could physically tell how upset he was. But she ignored him, her hand secure on Mikasa's shoulder.

Try anything, Werewolf, Eren thought to himself, and the last thing you'll ever see is my sword going through  your throat.


Hey, everyone!

Sorry these last two chapters have been shorter than normal.

By the way, how are you guys liking the story so far? I really want to hear what you think of it.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, which I'm already working on!

Have a good one!

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