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One week later

Historia sat alone on one of the tables outside the food market, wiping her face politely with a cloth. She just finished her dinner, which was some cooked beef and a bun. She took a swig of water. Tonight was a lot warmer than the other nights, her breath just barely visible in the cold air.


Historia jumped when she heard a voice on her left. She turned and saw Annie standing near her, a glass of water and a book in her hands.

"Oh, shit. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" the other blonde apologized.

"It's okay, Annie" Historia replied, smiling.

"Can I sit?" Annie asked, gesturing to the seat across from where she was sitting.


The taller blonde took a seat, and took a sip of her water as she started reading. Historia looked at the other girl quite curiously; she looked at the scar on her left eye, along with dozens of others scattered on her arms and hands. The cuts and bruises on her face her almost gone, yet some still made faint purple patches on her face.

"Hey, Annie?" Historia asked in a quiet voice. Annie looked up at her.


"Ymir was your childhood friend" she stated. "What was she like? You know, before she was sent away?"

Annie looked somewhat surprised, as she slowly closed her book.

"Oh, well, uhh..." she scratched her cheek. "I guess she's not all different from how she is now."

"She acted mean and tough on the surface, but deep down she was kind and caring. She would always help out the other pups. She's protective too; spare anyone who hurt someone she cared about."

"Plus, she still hasn't dropped the smartass attitude"

Historia giggled, putting a hand over her mouth. Annie suddenly raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, Historia?"


"Why are you...talking to me?"

Historia's eyes went wide. Her delightful laughing came to an end.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, this is the first full conversation I've had with you since we got here."

Historia looked away, a look of shame mixed with embarrassment forming on her face.

"Well, I uhh.." she couldn't find the right words to say. She began fiddling with her scarf.

"It's because you're scared of me, is it?" Annie replied, her voice low.

Historia lifted her hands up, a guilty feeling bubbling up in her chest. "No, it's not like that! I wouldn't-"

"It's okay, really" Annie answered, her eyes gazing downward. The shorter blonde looked completely flabbergasted by her response.


"You being scared of me, I understand. Don't worry, I'm used to it."

"What does that mean?"

Annie ran her hand up and down her arm. "When you look the way I do, you're not exactly going to make people feel at ease....or safe, for that matter."

Historia suddenly felt a little annoyed by her words. She has heard something like this before; from Ymir. She didn't want to hear it again.

"Mikasa doesn't seem to think so."

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now