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Every kingdom has a secret.

No matter who they are, no matter where they come from; all societies made of living creatures, who are lead by one or many, all of them have secrets.

The Werewolf clan was one of those societies.

Grindor had spent about half a day traveling up a high, high mountain, which sat humongous in the North's most dangerous mountain range. It was said through Werewolf legend that anyone traveling through the massive mountains would get lost, and once lost they would never be found again.

Of course, Grindor knew that was a load of horse shit.

He growled as he climbed his way up the last of the rocks, his paws finally reaching flat ground. His wolf form was that of a pitch black wolf, which stood about 6 feet in height. His eyes glowed blood head. If anyone didn't know he was a Werewolf, they would've guessed he was a rabid dog.

In front of him was the entrance to a cave hidden inside the mountain. He walked in. The cave was lit with torches hung from the ice walls. The cave glowed blue and grey. And, in the centre of the cave, there was steps made of ice, along with a large throne. And on that throne sat a woman.

"Grindor the Slayer. About time you got here."

The voice was sharp and feminine, sounding much like a snake whose lips dripped with poison. Her hair was almost pure white, with the exception of the tips, which where black, and it reached just past her neck. Her eyes shined dark blue. She was wearing some sort of sleeveless armor, with black leggings.

Grindor stood before her, and bowed respectively. He quickly shifted.

"My deepest apologies, your Majesty."

The lady who sat on the throne was named Elvira Leonhardt, the one true ruler and queen of the Werewolves.

Like I said, kingdoms like to keep secrets.

"How are my soldiers doing?" Elvira asked. "Have you lead them well?"

"We have successfully trapped the human scum, your Majesty" Grindor looked up at his queen. "We have now fully secured the border. No human would dare try to penetrate our defences. We have them cornered."

The queen laughed darkly. "Exellent. Perhaps you are a better mock chieftan than I thought."

Grindor grumbled quietly.

"And what of the escaped slaves?"

"Some scouts found two, and questioned them. Unfortunately, they remained loyal to their comrades. The scouts killed them shorty after."

Elvira scoffed. "Fucking centaurs. Always trying to act noble and brave, like fallen heroes. Pathetic."

Grindor went silent for a moment. The queen narrowed her eyes.

"I can hear your thoughts, Grindor. Tell me, what is troubling you?"

For the first time in years, a shiver of fear went down his spine. "Annie Leonhardt had gone missing."

He saw his queen grit her teeth. "What?"

"She has been gone for several days. She went out on patrol and didn't return."

The white haired woman stood up. "Had anyone looked for her?"

"Her friends have, led by Zeke. But they have come up empty. Besides, I ordered them to stop."

"And why is that?"

"Because she's worthless" Grindor's voice grew angry. "She isn't-"

The male Werewolf didn't even see her move, before he felt a large wave of pain on his chest. No, in his chest. Elvira had kicked him right near his heart, sending him flying. He heard a loud cracking sound, and he knew what that meant. He let out a wail of pain.

"You moron" the queen growled. "Do you have any idea what she can do? You were supposed to watch her!"

Grindor clutched his chest, grunting. "Seems to me like your scared o-of her."

He heard another loud crack, as he screamed out again. He looked at his leg; the whole thing was now broken.

"That annoying brat is nothing compared to me. But as much as I hate her, she's a danger if left unchecked. And you failed to do so" the Queen clicked her tongue.

"I did what you asked of me!" Grindor yelled. "I pushed her! I-I hurt her! Her body is covered in scars! I DID THAT!"

"I know you did...." Elvira's voice grew sweet and delicate for a moment.

Suddenly, she grabbed hold of both his arms and snapped them like toothpicks. Grindor wailed in agony.

"But I know her. You may have damaged her......but you also made her stronger. And now she's on the loose."

The male Werewolf was now crying in pain. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I'M SORRY, YOUR MAJESTY!!!" he sobbed loudly. "P-Please, forgive me!!!"

"Awe. The mighty Grindor the Slayer asking for mercy. How adorable."

Elvira moved closer to his face, now just inches away.

"You are a very strong leader. You led the soldiers well....."

Then, Grindor suddenly couldn't breathe. Then, he saw liquid spill onto his chest. Blood. He now understood; his throat was sliced open. He didn't even see his queen shoot her razor sharp claws into his throat. He forgot she could do that. She was the only one of their kind who could.

"But I no longer need you."

Taking his last strangled breath, Grindor now like lifeless on the ground, his blood flowing like a river.

Elvira sighed, wiping the blood off her hand and onto her pants.

"I suppose it's time I come out of the shadows. My Werewolves need a true leader."

She nodded at two guards, (who were hidden so well Grindor didn't even see them) and they quickly disposed the body.

"You two" she said to the guards.

"Yes, your Majesty?" they both said, bowing.

"Alert the rest of the guards; each of you go to the camps....and tell the soldiers their queen is coming to end the war."

"Yes, your Majesty!" the repeated, as they ran out of the cave.

Elvira sighed again, before taking her place back onto her throne. She licked off the remains of Grindor's blood.

"Now, where on earth are you hiding.....my little niece?"

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now