(1.1) Assassination time!

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[Just a heads up: most of the students' names are just mix and match ones that I took from other anime, so if you recognize them that's why. No, this is not a crossover. I just didn't want to come up with twenty+ brand new names without any real knowledge of what's common or uncommon in Japan.]

The students of Paradise High School's class 3-5 all stared in stunned silence at their new teacher-in-training as he stood by his horribly vandalized desk, one hand on the roll book, the other on his hip. He smiled casually at them, somehow both cheerful, and bone-chilling. 

Then he started to call roll, and the thought at the forefront of every mind was: What the hell kind of teacher is this

"Yuri Asui." He began calling their names one by one. Each time a name was called, the student would respond with 'here', too stupefied to object, to say or do anything else. "Kida Fukara, Mahiru Hinata, Harushi Ippantekina, Rin Katsura, Shouto Ken, Akemi Kirasaya, Aiko Kiya, Yoha Kurra, Asuna Marihara, Riku Mirikitani, Kyo Misono, Fuyu Ryouma, Natsu Ryouma, Hinami Satori, Yukine Shirota, Yuna Sujimura, Fumei Tsuyo, Chikara Ushiwara, Kaito Yatoni, Saishuu Yukki.

"Good, everyone's here." 

Nagisa turned his back on the class and erased the obscenities written on the chalkboard to write his name in neat, white characters. 

"I am Nagisa Shiota," he introduced, "but I prefer people to use my given name, so you may call me Nagisa-sensei. Are there any questions before we begin?" A single shaky, curious hand went up. "Yes mister..."

"Misono... er... Nagisa-sensei..." supplied the wavering voice of a boy who had tiny braids in his scruffy purple hair, and spikes in his ears.

"What was your question Misono?" Nagisa asked politely.

"Well..." he struggled to get the words out. "I think we're... all probably wondering... what was that you just did? And what did you mean by 'you have until graduation'?"

"What I meant," Nagisa attempted to clarify, "is that you have until graduation to kill me. You may make as many attempts as you like, and if you succeed, I'll make sure you all automatically graduate. Though hopefully you'll be able to graduate with the help my teaching and not just by killing me. Otherwise it would be a serious failure on my part."

Most of the students were too taken aback by what he had said to take notice of what he hadn't. And even the few who did notice that he'd avoided answering Misono's first question were too afraid to push it, despite their curiosity. What was he keeping from them? What had he done, and how how had he done it?

"What do you mean 'kill'?" asked Kiya, a girl with choppy black hair and sharp, winged, lavender eyes that shone with interest. Her tongue flicked over her lips absently. "You don't mean literally, do you?" Nagisa considered her question for a moment.

"No," he decided. "I doubt the school would approve of that, and—" he cut himself off just before he said something he evidently didn't want the students to know. "Well, let's just say there's someone who would be pretty pissed off at me if I told you to actually try to kill me.

"So how about this: if you put me in a position where I wouldn't be able to stop you from killing me if you actually wanted to, you pass. The student or students directly responsible will get an automatic 'A', but, like I said, you can try as many times as you want, so other students can succeed, and get the grade, even if they're not the first." 

He crossed his arms over his stomach, chalk still in hand, pleased with the conditions he'd managed to put together without time to think of them in advance. 

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