(3.1) Class trip time!

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"It's that time of year again," Nagisa announced once Asui, who'd walked in late claiming that she 'was definitely not robbing a bank,' took her seat. "The time where we begin planning for our class trips. Usually, the trips are funded by money raised by your class last year, supplementing with some light fundraising before the trip.

"Now, after going over this class' funds, I have discovered that our budget for the class trip is about ¥2000 [a little under $20], which is about enough for a large pizza. Just one," Nagisa frowned.

"So I guess were getting pizza instead of a class trip!" Marihara shrugged. "We could all bring in a couple hundred yen, and maybe we could get two pizzas!"

"Actually, I have an idea," Nagisa said, and a sly grin appeared on his face.

"Euuhh... what is it?" asked Katsura, wondering if she'd missed something.

"I'll have to confirm with a few people," Nagisa told his class. "It might not work out, but I'm going to start fleshing out the details as soon as I can. We'll need to do a small fundraiser, just for food, and maybe a train ride, but nothing too involved."

"I'm confused, what's the plan?" Misono asked.

"I think I'll keep it a surprise for now," Nagisa decided, a furtive smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. "But it'll be something to look forward to."

"Come on! Don't we even get a hint?" demanded Hinata.

"Hmm... alright," their teacher relented. "If everything works out, you may want to bring camping supplies." A handful of students groaned.

"Aw man!" complained Fuyu, "I hate camping."

His twin sister raised an eyebrow at him. "Since when?" she asked.

"Remember what happened last time?" he attempted to clarify.

"I thought it was fun," Natsu mumbled, and he stared at her incredulously.

"Ok, so what happened there?" Misono asked, looking back and forth between the Ryouma twins in confusion.

"Nothing," they responded in unison, and looked away.

"That's not suspicious at all," Misono scoffed.

"Anywaaaayyyy... getting back to the school trip..." Kirasaya said, reverting the subject back again. "What sort of fundraiser would this be exactly?"

"Like I said, it doesn't have to be anything crazy," Nagisa reiterated. "As long as everyone participates, I'm sure we could make enough easily. It could be something as basic as a second-hand book sale or something."

"You think any of us have books?" Yatoni said as if that were absurd.

"That we're willing to part with?" Marihara added, as if that were even more absurd.

"Alright, something else then," Nagisa relented, "any suggestions?" There were none. And then a hand raised slowly on the far side of the room. "Yes, Ken-kun?" his tone was mildly surprised; Ken almost never spoke up during class, so he was glad to see the boy get involved.

"How about a bake sale?" His voice wasn't soft, but it sounded brittle from lack of use. "I mean it's just an idea, but if we all brought something in and sold it out in front of the school we might make something."

"That could certainly work," Nagisa agreed enthusiastically. "Anyone who can't bring in a baked good could run the table, and sell the treats. Everyone could participate."

"Plus we could show off our baking skills," Shirota said with a smirk.

"We could make a contest out of it!" Fuyu suggested excitedly. "Keep track of whose desserts get bought the most, winner gets bragging rights!"

"I'm in," Natsu agreed.

"Hell Yeah!" Shirota high-fived Fuyu.

"Anyone opposed?" The teacher looked around the room to see shrugs and grins. "It's settled then. Does next week work? Before and after school?" With no objections, Nagisa picked up a piece of chalk and wrote on the board.

Sale and Goods. Along with each day of the week in a table format.

"Everyone can sign up for either bringing in goods, or staying at the booth to sell them before and after school," Nagisa explained. "Just sign up for whatever you are able to do. If a couple of people wanted to volunteer to keep track of what sells and make a contest of it like Fuyu-kun suggested, I'm okay with that. Everyone's name should be on the board at least once."

Slowly, students started crowding up to the board to sign up for one thing or another. Katsura volunteered to keep score, and even though the prize was only bragging rights, a lot of people still wanted to participate in the contest.

They were all surprisingly enthusiastic about the fundraiser, and Nagisa had a feeling that it would work. This trip wouldn't be so far out of their reach after all.

[Starting off with a short chapter I see... (I guess I wrote it so I can't really talk.) Anywho, this is the vacations and hugs arc, (speaking of vacations, mine starts today! Yay summer!) so no kidnapping or murder... probably... sorry it took so long, turns out I'm not as good at writing vacations and hugs as I am at writing kidnapping and murder. I still have a couple of chapters left to edit, but that'll be done soon since I've got more time now that summer's started. Thank you all for your patience, and thank you for getting this story to over 20k reads that's incredible! Love y'all.

<3 Raaor!]

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