(2.1) Project time!

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As Nagisa walked down the halls in a dark red skirt and matching cardigan with thigh-high black stockings, he tried to act as if it was nothing unusual. He pretended not to notice the other teachers' stares, and he held his head high, despite the fact that he was absolutely certain he was blushing as red as his outfit. He was just glad he'd convinced Karma not to make him wear high heels to 'complete the ensemble.'

Filled with dread, Nagisa entered his classroom. With one glance he could tell that every single student was present, with the exception of Kiya, who had been absent on the day of the deal, and therefore didn't know what she was missing. Even Asui had actually shown up on time, for once, to witness this event in all its glory. They watched him with sadistic grins plastered on their faces. Even the particularly mild-mannered kids became devil-spawn.

"Alright, people." Nagisa's voice cracked, just to intensify his embarrassment. He cleared his throat before continuing. "I'm assigning you all a project today." There was a collective groan, but he saw interest in a few faces. "It's a biography project. Each of you are going to choose someone who you admire, or someone you consider a good role-model, or just someone you want to learn more about. I suggest you come up with multiple options because you all have to choose someone different.

"You will research that person, write a paper about them, and present it to the class. You must include a photograph of the person, but a title page is optional. I have a printout of the guidelines to hand out to you all." He pulled a stack of papers from his bag and began passing them out. "I'll give you some time now to come up with your subject, I want all the choices finalized by tomorrow morning."

It had hardly been a few moments before Fukara raised his hand. "I'd like to do mine on Mase Haruna," he said.

"I think that's a good choice for you, Fukara-kun," Nagisa said, smiling. "You all can have first period, and you can use your phones for research, then we have to move on to science. Once you have your pick, come tell me; I'll write it down." After that, friends started talking to each other about who they were going to pick.

"Man, I have no idea who I'm going to do," Shirota complained, meandering over to Fumei and Kirasaya, who sat next to each other, and taking a seat on Kirasaya's desk.

"Me neither," Fumei replied, her eyes drifted around the room subconsciously, noting things at random. The windows were unlocked, except for the one nearest the front of the class, for some unknown reason. The second locker from the bottom on the far right was hanging open. Her eyes landed on Nagisa-sensei's hands as he stood by his desk, tugging down on the hem of his skirt, not wanting to sit in case it was too short. It wasn't.

"I'm doing mine on tentacle-whip Sugino Tomohito," Fumei heard Hinata tell Nagisa-sensei. Of course the sportiest guy in the class followed college baseball. And he was apparently very impressed by the player. It stood to reason he'd want to know more about him.

"Someone we want to know more about?" She stared intensely at Nagisa's hands again. The same hands that, only a few days ago, had sent her into a panic with a single touch. "Na—"

"I'm going to do mine on Nagisa-sensei," Kirasaya said, clearly having made up her mind. Fumei had been about to say the same thing, but she was actually relieved when her friend claimed it instead. She wasn't sure if she really wanted to know after all.

"Good luck with that. If you need help, call me," Fumei offered, instead of arguing. "I have a feeling you're gonna have a shitload of trouble researching him."

"Thanks, Fumei," Kirasaya said sarcastically.

"Have you guys chosen somebody yet?" asked Saishuu as he approached them.

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