(3.3) Planning time!

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"I'll get it," Nagisa called over the sound of the TV when the doorbell rang, and went to answer it.

"Heya Nagisa-kun," he was met with a cheerful Isogai.

"Hey, Isogai-kun." Nagisa stepped aside to let his friend enter. "Thanks for agreeing to this."

"Well technically, you, Karma-kun, and Kayano-san own the building," Isogai pointed out with a chuckle. "I just carry the keys. You can probably get in and out without them anyway."

"Well sure," Nagisa laughed as well, leading his guest down the hall and into the kitchen where Karma was already waiting. "But in response to recent events, we're trying to make this class trip as legal as possible."

"I guess that makes sense." Isogai had heard about these 'recent events.' Had he not been out of town up until a few days ago, he would have helped out in a heartbeat. "Hey Karma-kun."

"Hey. We ready to start planning this trip now?" Karma responded.

"Let's get started," Isogai agreed.

"Alright, then. We made almost ¥30,000 [approximately $280] at the fundraiser, which was a lot more than expected," Nagisa told them, figuring that knowing their budget would be a good place to start. "Turns out Ken-kun is really good at baking. Anyway, I think we can make it work."

The three sat around the kitchen table putting together an itinerary for the trip, creating a grocery list that would accommodate potential food allergies or other dietary constraints, and making permission slips, even though Nagisa was fairly sure some of the signatures he received would be forged.

While they worked, the TV was on in the background, mostly just white noise, until a news story came on that attracted their attention.

"I think for the last day, it could be fun to..." Nagisa trailed off and turned to the television in the next room.

"After many protests, and a major petition," said the newscaster, "the state is taking another look at Japan's marriage laws. A court case has already been scheduled to advocate with the state for same-sex marriage to be legalized..."

"Karma..." Nagisa felt happy tears prick his eyes.

"I heard..." Karma placed his hand over Nagisa's. It wasn't a guarantee, but it was a chance. Grinning, Isogai grabbed beers out of the fridge for all three of them.

"That's great news!" Isogai chimed in, excited for his friends, and they all let out happy laughs. "Let's celebrate!"

"Here's hoping!" toasted Karma as they all popped open their cans and took a break from planning to watch the rest of the news story.

After that, the evening had a hopeful vibe about it. Regardless of the subject, the three men were all in a better mood. Their work was nearly finished by ten in the evening when Isogai had to go home. All that was left was for Nagisa to edit the trip guidebook, and go to school early the next day to print it in the teacher's room.

"Uh... Nagisa-sensei?" Hinata asked as he took a seat in his place to find a neatly stapled stack of papers on his desk, as well as everyone else's. "What is this?" He flipped through the double-sided packet.

"The trip is tomorrow," answered Nagisa, unsure what his student meant by asking the question. "So I took the liberty of writing a guidebook for the trip. I thought it would be helpful."

"Sensei, this is a little long for a class trip guide!" Marihara pointed out incredulously. "And what the heck is '3-E Mountain?' I've never heard of it." She pronounced the dash as she read the location off the cover of the guidebook.

"I don't see the problem," Nagisa's brows furrowed slightly. "It's only thirty-six pages."

"Only‽" Hinata's jaw dropped slightly. "What world do you live in where you can put 'only' in front of 'thirty-six pages' for a field-trip handout‽"

"Well I took out a lot from the original," Nagisa pulled a very thick book with a red cover out of his bag. "I used one of my old middle school guidebooks as a model, but since the location is different there was a lot of stuff that I didn't need to include." He showed them the book, the cover read: Class Trip Guidebook: 3-E by Koro-Sensei.


"You're joking, right?"

"That's not... there's no way..."

"It's extremely detailed, but I didn't think some of the information was necessary for high-school third years." Nagisa shrugged. "Our teacher wrote it for our class trip to Kyoto."

"Your teacher wrote that?" Ippantekina just stared at the red book. "I didn't think any teacher cared enough to put in that kind of effort..." he glanced down at the one Nagisa had made, not quite able to process the possibility of a teacher giving a shit about their students.

"You must not have had many good teachers then." Nagisa frowned. "I would have liked to include everything, but I'm only human, and I can't move at Mach 20."

"What did you not include‽" Hinata demanded.

"Well there's only one page about what to do if a group member gets kidnapped," Nagisa said thoughtfully.

"Why is that even in there? Nobody's gonna get kidnapped on a school trip!"

"Actually, two of our group members got kidnapped on that trip," Nagisa said, smirking slightly, "that's what brought it to mind."

"Well!" He didn't know how to rebut that. "I guess that's... fine... then..."

"Don't forget to bring your camping supplies tomorrow," Nagisa announced. "We'll be meeting at the train station on third street at seven thirty, and we have to be on the train there by a half-hour after. Please don't be late." He directed this last sentiment at Asui, who only shrugged.

[Short and sweet. I'd say "like me," but I'm more short and salty. I wanted to write more, but it just felt like overkill, and not the good kind. I'd rather write a short chapter than take writing queues from the redundant scribe of redundantness. I feel like a lot of the chapters are gonna be like that for this arc, so I apologize in advance for the brevity. Love y'all.

<3 Raaor!]

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