(4.4) Legalization time!

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"That's great Marihara!" Katsura said cheerfully. "I'm happy for them." The morning break was reaching its end, Nagisa had just returned from the teachers' lounge, and Marihara was showing off some pictures on her phone.

"What's great?" Hinata asked, approaching the girls.

"My sister got engaged!" Marihara answered, beaming.

"To Sugure-san?" Hinata inferred, with a happy sort of surprise. "Wait, so that means..."

"Yup! It was announced just a couple hours ago!" Marihara nodded enthusiastically. "Same-sex marriage is now officially legal in Japan!"

A loud thunk echoed from the front of the classroom.

Nagisa, overhearing his students conversation, had dropped a textbook in shock. His eyes were wide, his mouth ever-so-slightly agape. The announcement was made during second period, so he hadn't heard yet.

He hadn't been this happy since he and Karma got an apartment together, before that, it was when his parents decided to give their relationship another shot. It was a special kind of euphoria that he only experienced when something he'd hoped for for so long, but thought of as impossible, finally came to be.

Karma was seated at his desk, fingers clacking away at his keyboard as he arranged the months' calendar. He would be sitting in at a board meeting the following morning, and had to have it prepared by then. He wasn't worried; he was nearly finished.

A screen on one of his coworkers' desk displayed news, switching between channels every so often. Karma rarely payed attention to it, but then something of interest caught his attention, and his fingers froze as the newscaster spoke, and he clung to every word.

"As you probably know, the official date for the same-sex marriage appeal was earlier this morning. A few hours ago, a verdict was finally reached." The newswoman's voice was almost robotic, just as it always was. She merely reported the facts, it wasn't her job to give opinions. But Karma found himself holding his breath, waiting for her final sentence.

"The result was a resounding approval, and at around nine-thirty this morning, Same-sex marriage was officially legalized in the state of Japan." Karma sucked in a sharp breath. Another coworker, who was apparently stapling papers together, noticed. Saito, a man who'd taken it upon himself to understand everything about this mysterious newbie in the office.

"What is it, Karma-san?" He followed the red-head's gaze to the screen and saw what the news story was about. He whipped his head back around, eyebrows raised in surprise. "You've gotta be kidding..."

Karma didn't even seem to hear Saito. He frantically fished out his phone and called Nagisa. It rung twice before Nagisa picked up. Karma surged forward in his seat, slamming his free hand on his desk, with excitement.

"Nagisa!" he said loudly, forgetting, momentarily, that he was at work, though at this point he couldn't bring himself to care.

"Karma?" Nagisa's voice crackled through the line, a bit breathless.

"Marry me!" It didn't even have to be a question. He knew what the answer would be.

The students half thought that Nagisa would be standing there in shock until the school day ended, but then his phone rang. It sounded twice before he picked it up absently, and held it to his ear.

"Nagisa!" the voice on the other end practically shouted.

"Karma?" Nagisa identified, still reeling from the new development.

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