(2.9) Reunion time!

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"I thought Karma-san said we'd have a substitute." Fuyu plucked the strings on his ukulele, tuning it.

"Y'all seem to keep forgetting this," Fumei pointed out as she worked on her laptop. "But Nagisa-sensei is a teacher-in-fucking-training, remember. Technically we shoulda had a sub all goddamn year, but our 'actual' fucking teacher doesn't give shit."

"Yeah, but won't they send someone once they realize our class is unsupervised?" asked Marihara.

"At best they'll send funckin' Hanji-san or some shit." Just then the door opened, and in walked Ms Hanji, the school's resident custodian/faculty assistant/exam administrator/substitute teacher.

"Hello wonderful students of class 3-5!" Ms Hanji chirped, she didn't have any way of speaking besides chirping. The way she talked as well as her spiked up, bleached-blonde, punk haircut tended to remind people of a cockatoo. "You all know me, of course. Since your teacher in training, Mr Shiota—"

"Nagisa-sensei," corrected about eight people at the same time.

"Alrighty," she shrugged, "he called in sick last night, sounded pretty nasty, and since we all forgot that Mr Kenmura, that's your actual teacher, has a perfect lack of attendance record, we didn't plan a substitute, so I am here!"

"Woo-hoo," Marihara deadpanned sarcastically. Silently, they were all anxious for their after-school meeting to determine the fate of their missing classmate who, for once, wasn't Kiya. Students shot worried glances toward Kirasaya's seat so often that Ms Hanji took notice and asked about it, but they told her nothing.

(1) Doesn't run very fast
(2) Avoids places with a lot of pedestrian traffic
(3) Allergic to shellfish

Nagisa had been following his target for nearly twenty hours straight, and his list of weaknesses was exactly three. He wasn't sure if that was good or bad. He had gathered the information fairly quickly, but unless he planned on chasing the guy down a backstreet and force-feeding him lobster, it wasn't very helpful. The guy was also paranoid as hell, and a pretty good martial artist, so this wasn't going to be that easy.

Nagisa would have liked to gather more information, but time was running short, and Kirasaya was probably scared out of her wits. It was time to make a plan. It was time to kill the target.

They were early, but that didn't matter. Fumei, Shirota, and Saishuu walked into Matsuraiken, ready to make their plans. Ready to save Kirasaya.

By the time five o'clock rolled around, a lot of the class was there, though a handful of students had opted out. Like Ippantekina's group, who were just jerks, and Mirikitani and Ken, who didn't think they'd be useful for much. The Ryouma twins were also missing; according to Shirota, who'd somehow managed to get the numbers of everyone in class (even Kiya, though as far as Fumei knew, they had never spoken), their parents weren't letting them come.

Finally, Karma arrived.

"Is this everyone?" Karma asked, his brows furrowed. "We're pretty much on our own here. Chiba and Hayami shipped out early this morning, and Kayano had to leave as well for a shoot."

"Plus they're probably gonna be expecting us this time," Asui pointed out, walking in late. "To sum up, we have more people, technically, but way less training, no weapons, and no element of surprise."

"Shirota-kun," Saishuu turned to his friend, "did you bring the things?"

"Yeah," Shirota responded. "That means we do have weapons, but I have to make sure to get them back to my brother before he notices they're gone, or we're all in trouble. Who here's a good shot?"

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