(1.2) Cleaning time!

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"Alright class, take your seats!" Nagisa-sensei called cheerfully as he entered the classroom on the fourth day of the semester. 

He heard no shuffling of movement, no scrape of chairs across the tile floor, nor did he sense the heat or energy of twenty teenagers. 

He sighed, then mumbled miserably to himself, "They're not here." 

A moment later he heard harried footsteps coming down the hallway, and the classroom door slid open abruptly. Asui walked in quickly, breathing heavily, a thin sheen of sweat on her round face, excuse prepared.

"Thanks for waiting for me, I was—" but she cut herself off when she realized no one was there. "Oh, no one's here yet?" She stood silently for a moment, tugged absently a one of the paperclips she wore as earrings, weighing her options. "I'll come back when I'm actually late."

"Yeah... I don't think so." Nagisa appeared behind her as she turned to go and grabbed the back of her collar to keep her from walking away.

"N-Nagisa-sensei, I... I didn't see you there." 

She turned her head to meet her teacher's eyes and plastered on a smile, trying to figure out how she could have possibly been so oblivious as to not even notice that her teacher was in the room. He had bright blue hair, for kripe's sake! That wasn't exactly the stealthiest feature. 

"Where is everyone?" Nagisa asked, letting go of her collar after a gentle tug to face her fully toward him. 

Asui was one of only two students shorter than him, and he subconsciously drew himself up to his full height to emphasize that fact. 

"I don't... know?" It turned into as a question halfway through when Asui suddenly remembered her classmates' plan to ditch today and go to the movies. They had been organizing it before Nagisa-sensei showed up on the first day, but since she didn't like going to the movies, she'd opted out of the group chat, along with a few others, initially planning to just stay home instead, which hadn't happened. 

"Asui." A tone of warning permeated Nagisa-sensei's voice. "Where are they?"

"They went to the cinema... er... most of them anyway." She rushed her words out as quickly as possible, shame crawling up the inside of her sternum for ratting out her classmates. She thought her teacher might get mad and yell at her, he would hardly be the first teacher to do so, but instead he just sighed and made his way out the door, gesturing for Asui to follow.

"Come on. We're going to get them." 

Asui nodded, and followed curiously.

They walked in silence until they reached the cinema not too far from the school—Asui side-eyeing her teacher, awaiting some form of punishment, which she thought was inevitable, but never came. 

The cinema didn't open until nine, so when they arrived they saw only a very small crowd of people waiting for the doors to open so they could catch the earliest showings and sneak into later showings as the day progressed without paying admission. That was the plan anyway. And Asui knew that was the plan because the crowd consisted exclusively of the students of class 3-5.

"Good morning class," Nagisa said casually, joining the group as if he was supposed to be there all along. "Funny, I don't remember planning a field-trip today." 

Nobody turned to look at him, but Shirota, one of the more sociable students, who was pulling off the dark, bad-boy look rather well since he wasn't in uniform, thought fit to respond while he took a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket. 

"What do you mean? We all decided to skip today, and I'm glad we did because the new teach is kinda scary." Shirota said offhandedly. "I mean I'm not afraid of him, but I know some of these guys think he's really creepy."

Some Teacherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें