(4.3) Family time!

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"Hey, Nagisa-sensei." Shirota was finally going to ask his teacher about the issue that had been burning in the back of his mind since his brother's request the other day.

"Yes, Shirota-kun?" Nagisa responded. They were the only ones in the classroom, and Nagisa had been just about to leave.

"What do you think about family?" Shirota asked.

"I think... it's more abstract than most people are led to believe," Nagisa answered after a moment. "Family isn't necessarily blood relations, and blood relations aren't necessarily family. I consider Karma my family, even though we couldn't get married for the longest time. I consider Sakura my family, even though we only met by chance and have no genetic ties. My mother, on the other hand, she may have given birth to me, but I don't really consider her family. Not anymore."

"Why not?" Shirota asked.

"Growing up with her... well... it wasn't the best, to put it gently," a frown etched itself onto his face as he thought back to his childhood with that woman. "And I loved her, but she was... really toxic. And for a long time, all I wanted was for her to get better, and then for about three years, she did. But it didn't last, and after she broke again, I decided it would be best to cut her out.

"I've forgiven her, because I didn't want to carry around that rage and fear anymore, but I wouldn't mind never seeing her again," Nagisa explained. "I take it this has something to do with what you were trying to ask me the other day? Is it about your brother?"

Shirota didn't respond. He looked down in thought, letting his inky hair obscure his face.

"The wrong kind of family are fair weather friends," Nagisa said, after allowing his student a few moments to mull over those words. "They take and they take, and they act like they care, but once they have what they want and you're no longer useful, they leave you with nothing. I'd warn you against getting too tied down by the traditional concept of family."

"Thanks Nagisa-sensei..." Shirota gave his teacher a shallow bow and left. He had a lot to think about. Was Nagone a 'fair weather friend?' Was his brother just using him? Also what the fuck is up with Nagisa-sensei's mom?

"Hey Fumei?" Shirota had decided to ask some more people. Nagisa-sensei was always telling them to have more than one source. The first place you look isn't always right. Plus, Fumei was super smart, so he might as well take this opportunity to ask her while they were hanging out. "What do you think about family?"

"Family is bullshit," she answered without the slightest hesitation.

"What‽" This answer surprised him, Fumei seemed to get along great with her family. "I thought you loved your aunt and uncle, how could you think family's bullshit?"

"They're not actually my aunt and uncle," Fumei told him. "Didn't you already know that? I'm not entirely sure how, or even if I'm really related to them."

"But... still..." Shirota did know that, but it was easy to forget sometimes. "Why do you think that?" She was silent for several long moments, and then finally took a deep breath, and, expression cold and body rigid, she spoke again.

"Did you know I used to have an older brother?" she asked, and he shook his head. She never really talked about her life before she lived with Ed and Mae. "Well I did. His name was Kosho, and he used to tell me that abuse was equivalent to care, because he was a dumb fuck.

"And my parents? They thought I was a literal fucking monster." The new information horrified Shirota, and he was too awestruck to speak, so she continued with a bitter laugh. "Did you know I had no damn idea what a hug was until I was thirteen?"

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