(1.10) Results time!

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"Alright people." Nagisa called the class to order. "The results are in, when I call your name, please come up and take your graded exams. This will also be how I take roll." He glanced at the scores as he handed each student a stack of papers covered in red marks.

He had very mixed emotions when he handed back more and more tests, none of which had a score lower than a seventy five. He was ecstatic that his students did well, but he really didn't want to have to wear a dress to school. When he called Kiya's name, she took her papers and immediately left the room. All of her scores were above a ninety; he was proud of her, since she must have done a lot of independent study to do so well.

When he got to Fumei's tests, he had to stop. He felt like he was going to sob with defeat. She had almost all 100s, except for a 97 in Home Ec. of all things. Looked like he wouldn't be getting any homework from her after all. When she came up to collect her papers she gave him the most self-satisfied smirk he'd ever seen in his life, and he lived with Karma, the king of self-satisfied smirks.

By the time he'd handed back every test, most of the students had compared scores, and they were all looking at him with those creepy smiles. The same ones Nakamura and Karma always wore, and for the same reason.

"Do you need someone to take you dress-shopping, Nagisa-sensei?" Marihara asked. "Because I'd be happy to help you out there."

"No actually," Nagisa sighed heavily. He didn't remember doing that so often before he got this job, but he seemed to be sighing all the time now. "Karma's taking me, because he loves watching me suffer."

"Does that mean he actually did escape, then?" Misono asked. "You said he would, but I was still kinda worried about your friend, I mean he did get kidnapped."

"Yeah, he escaped," Nagisa confirmed. "You remember that?"

"Nagisa-sensei, that was literally yesterday," he said obviously.

"Heh. Oh, before I forget: I need to talk to Kirasaya-san, Shirota-kun, Kurra-kun, Saishuu-kun, and Fumei. Will the five of you please come with me out into the hall real quick?" They followed him out of the classroom.

"So I guess Karma-san ratted us out, huh?" Shirota guessed.

"Uh-huh." Nagisa was not amused. "That was incredibly dangerous, not to mention a completely unnecessary risk. And Kirasaya-san, you promised not to tell anyone, and then you told four people. That's not what 'I won't tell anyone' means!" he scolded.

"I swore them to secrecy first," Kirasaya defended, as though that made things better. "And they don't care, they're not gonna tell anyone."

"That's not the point, Kirasaya-san," Nagisa said. "You betrayed my trust." Kirasaya looked down, ashamed. "That said, I'll try to make this a lesson to you. Firstly, don't take unnecessary risks. Secondly, listen to people who know what they're talking about. And thirdly, don't give your names to your teacher's significant other when they catch you doing something that will get you in trouble. I should think that last one was obvious. Do you understand?"

There were some nods, and a couple "Yes, Nagisa-sensei"s. Then he let them return to the classroom.

He taught a few lessons. Exams were over, and they'd had their day of rest, so Nagisa had decided that it was time to get back into the swing of things. In the spirit of getting back in the swing of things, Fumei fell asleep on her desk, and snoozed through the last two class-periods.

Nagisa decided to leave her. He was still a bit sore about his ignominious defeat when he saw her near-perfect test scores. When the end-of-school bell, and her classmates footsteps as they left the room, failed to wake her, however, he decided he had to. He stepped quietly over to her desk and poked her on the back of her shoulder. The moment he did, she snapped awake and fell out of her chair, onto the floor looking absolutely terrified.

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