(3.9) Crush time!

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"Alright ladies," Sujimura announced toweling off her hair. "It's the last night of the trip, which means it's time for girl-talk. I put up with conversations about books and brine-shrimp, but tonight our topic of conversation will be boys."

"But why?" Kiya asked, her face a mask of disinterest.

"Because that's what girls talk about at sleepovers!" insisted Sujimura. "I'm done with you prudes, who do you ladies have crushes on?"

"Well..." Marihara began before she was stopped by a finger in front of her lips.

"Fictional characters don't count Marihara-chan," Sujimura said with a pointed look.

"I guess I'm out then." Marihara threw up a hand in exasperation. "Anyone else wanna give it a go?"

"Ok, so we're all pretty much agreed that Sujimura-san is the hottest girl in the class, objectively speaking," Fuyu stated to the rest of the boys. "But the fact that she's such a bitch decreases her desirability. I think the most all-around attractive girl in our class is either Kirasaya-san or Asui-chan, what about you guys?"

"I think we should add Natsu-chan to that list," Hinata suggested. "I've kinda had a thing for her since—" Fuyu almost instantly had a blade drawn and held against Hinata's throat.

"What makes you think you can be so familiar with my sister?" Fuyu said in a low, threatening voice. "You stay away from her if you value your limbs."

"Simmer down Fuyu-kun," Saishuu said, gently placing a hand on the ginger's shoulder. "Your sister's off-limits, he understands, we all do." Reluctantly, Fuyu stowed his switchblade, still glaring at Hinata. "Anybody else want to share?"

"Well... I've been crushing on Fumei pretty much since we met," Shirota admitted. "But she's totally oblivious, and if I told her she'd probably hit me."

"Fumei? But why?" Ippantekina asked incredulously.

"Because she's awesome!" Shirota responded. "But it also sucks because it's completely one-sided, and she doesn't really know how to deal with people caring about her, so whenever I drop the slightest hint she shuts down, or just says something really sarcastic."

"Damn dude," Yatoni remarked. "Looks like you've been friend-zoned bad."

"The fuck do you mean by 'friend-zoned'?" Shirota demanded indignantly. "There's no 'friend-zone.' We're friends, I'm sorry you can't handle that idea. I'm not gonna force her into anything, I'm glad she even lets me exist in her general vicinity. Doesn't mean I don't wish there was more, but it's not like she owes me anything."

"You're just diggin' yourself deeper man," Yatoni pointed out. "That don't make any sense at all." Shirota just sighed.

"What about you Fumei?" Sujimura asked, smirking. She sidled up to the girl, who was currently typing on her phone, mildly surprised that they even had service. It was almost dark out now, but she still wore those dumb sunglasses. Irritated at being ignored, Sujimura reached out to grab the sunglasses, but Fumei grabbed her wrist harshly and shoved it away.

"I don't do crushes, or romance, or relationships, or any-damn-thing of the sort," Fumei said, "it's a waste of time better spent on more important shit." Then she went back to typing.

"Fine." Sujimura rubbed her wrist gently. It wasn't that Fumei was particularly strong, but she was fast, and her action had really surprised Sujimura. "What about you, Satori-chan?"

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