(1.7) Study time!

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"Alright people!" Nagisa called to get the class' attention. "First semester mid-terms are in two weeks, so starting today we are in exam mode. That means I'll be hosting after school study session every day until the first day of exams, and class time will be devoted to making sure you understand the material."

"Why should we even bother?" Hinata asked tiredly. "It's not like any of us are planning on going to college anyway. Everyone expects us to fail, so what's the point of trying so hard?"

"Why would you want to do what everyone else expects?" Nagisa insisted, trying to bolster their spirits with his own positive attitude. "A good assassin surprises their opponent."

"That's great and all," Marihara said with a scoff, "but we're high-school students. Don't you think you're pushing this 'assassin' thing a little much?"

"Come on, guys," Saishuu interjected gently, ever the encouraging diplomat of the group. "We really aren't as dumb as everyone seems to think. We could all at least try to pass the exams, just to graduate."

"Why graduate when you can drop out?" Hinata asked jokingly. "Who needs high-school anyway."

"We wouldn't even be in high-school if our parents hadn't forced us." Fuyu said while his twin sister shrugged.

"Seriously, people, can't you at least try?" Nagisa pleaded. Just then, Ms. Hanji the faculty assistant slid open the door and stepped in.

"Mr. Shiota, the headmaster wants to speak with you," she said. Nagisa nodded and followed her to the principal's office.

"Ha! Nagisa-sensei got sent to the principal's office," Marihara sing-songed.

"What are you, fucking seven?" Fumei rolled her eyes behind her sunglasses.

"Tch, what died up your butt?"

"You fuckers need to get it together." Fumei said seriously. "You realize Nagisa-sensei could kick all of our asses right? He could easily put any one of us in the hospital, but instead he decides to care about our fucking education for fuck's sake."

"What makes you say that?" Misono asked he was wearing black eyeliner that day in an attempt to look more punk, and his classmates obstinately refused to comment on it. 

"First of all, he learns your fucking attacks after seeing them once." Fumei pointed out. "Remember the first goddamn day when Yatoni shot a rubber band at him, and he shot it back perfectly, exactly the same way? Or last week when we were sparring in P.E. and he commented that Hinata did a martial arts move he'd never fucking seen before, and then the next morning he used the exact same fucking move to block Harushit's attack?"

"It's true," Kirasaya agreed. "That's the reason I haven't attacked him with my katana yet. He doesn't know how to use one, so I have to take him out before he learns by watching."

"Exactly!" Fumei continued her rant. "Second, he's a fucking monster. You remember what else he did the first day right? He literally clapped his hands and Harushit was completely fucking immobilized. Scared shitless. You remember that, don't you dickhead?" She looked at Ippantekina.

"Well yeah, but also, fuck you. Where do you get off calling me Harushit? We're not that familiar," Ippantekina said, sneering. "And I'd rather ya not call me 'dickhead' either."

"Well, suck it up, buttercup." Fumei said exasperatedly. "Y'all fuckwads need to quit complaining, pull your heads out of your asses, and study for these tests. We finally have a teacher who gives a shit about us, and y'all're gonna throw that away 'cause you're too god damn lazy to crack a book?" There was silence as they all considered her crudely pitched idea.

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