(1.6) Karma time!

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Nagisa knew someone was following him as soon as he got a block away from campus. He had sensed it before then, but figured it was just someone who happened to be going the same direction as him. By the time he neared Karma's workplace at the Ministry of Economics and Trade, however, he was certain of it. He didn't really see any harm in it, though, as long as they didn't make a move, so he didn't try to catch them. Not yet anyway.

He entered the imposing government building, and texted Karma that he was there.

To: Karma <3
Hey, I'm waiting for you in the lobby when your meeting's over.

A few moments later, his phone buzzed with a reply.

From: Karma <3
Meeting should b over soon, but big boss just wont stop talking

From: Karma <3
See u soon. Love you 😘

Nagisa smiled at the screen. Then he put his phone away, not wanting to interrupt Karma more than he already had, and took out a book. It was one he had never read before, but it looked interesting. He had just gotten to the part where the main character returned to the town she grew up in, and found it very different from how she remembered, even though it had scarcely changed at all. Then a certain redhead stepped out of the elevator, and approached him from behind with a sly smirk.

"Hello my blueberry," Karma mumbled into his ear.

"Hey Karma." Nagisa looked up and smiled at his boyfriend, marking his place in the book with a receipt he happened to have in his pocket. "Ready to go?"

"Of course Nagisa." He waited for Nagisa to put his book away. "Sorry to make you wait so long, that meeting went on forever."

"It was no problem," Nagisa assured him as they headed out the front door. He smiled good-naturedly up at Karma. "I had my book, so I didn't mind at all. How was your day? Aside from the boring meeting, I mean."

"A lot better now that I'm with you," Karma said simply, making Nagisa chuckle, the barest hint of a blush dusting his cheeks. "What about you, blueberry? Have a good day at school?"

"Same old, same old." Nagisa sighed. "I think I'm finally getting through to some of them, but there's one in particular." He paused to groan for a moment, not sure how else to indicate his frustration. "She's so smart, but she just doesn't care about anything. I just know if I could get her interested she'd be the best in the class, but she refuses to give a crap."

"You'll figure something out," Karma said with complete confidence. "Is this the same girl who never comes to class?"

"No, that's Kiya," Nagisa informed him. "Don't even get me started on her. I met her the first day of school, and haven't seen her since, yet every morning, her homework is sitting on my desk, complete, and usually error-free. It's actually amazing. Exams are in a couple of weeks, and I'm kinda curious to see if she shows up, because if she doesn't, her grade's gonna take a dive, and right now the only thing keeping her score from being an A is her poor attendance." Nagisa stopped abruptly. "Oh . . . sorry, I'm ranting."

"It's fine," Karma insisted, smiling down at him. "I like hearing you talk about things you're passionate about. Plus, I love listening to your voice, it's pleasant to me." Nagisa shook his head gently.

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