(2.7) Revelation time!

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"LET US OUT!" Hinata screamed, breathing heavily. "YOU CAN'T KEEP US HERE!"

"Shut up Hinata-kun," Kiya said flatly. "If you draw their attention this whole thing is gonna fail miserably."

"Why are you even here?" Sujimura asked snidely. "You're hardly even part of this class."

"Literally, I was kidnapped, just like the rest of you." Kiya rolled her eyes. "So I'm sorry you don't want me here. Trust me, I don't want me here either, so if you could shut up and let me concentrate, that'd be great."

"What are you even doing?" Misono asked, walking closer to the girl who was crouched by the door of the cell.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" she rolled her eyes. "I'm picking the lock, obviously. Or trying to. But it's harder with a pen than with an actual lock-pick. I'm still trying to catch the tumblers."

Then everyone noticed the deconstructed pen pieces lying next to her, the ink and ball-point piece in her hand as she attempted to pick the lock. Suddenly she growled and threw down her makeshift lock-pick.

"This isn't gonna work," she muttered, then turned to the group. "Anyone got a couple of paperclips, or bobby-pins?"

"I have a pair of paperclips." Asui said, pulling them carefully out of her earlobes where they'd been serving as earrings. Kiya took them from her and went back to work, flicking her tongue over her lips every so often inattentively.

"Oi!" called a guard as his footsteps approached. "What are you kids yammering about?" Kiya quickly pocketed the hair-pins, grateful that the guard had announced himself before appearing.

"Why are you keeping us here?" Misono asked, forcing confidence into his voice that he didn't actually have.

"We have a little job for your teacher," the guard smirked, not caring if the dumb brats found out; it wasn't like they could do anything anyway. "There's someone we want dead, and he's the one who'll be doing the killing."

"Nagisa-sensei?" asked a dumbstruck Ushiwara, almost inaudibly. The guards just chuckled.

Meanwhile, Nagisa was organizing a rescue operation with the help of some old classmates (and Kirasaya). He had gathered everyone in the area to help. Karma obviously; Kayano, who would be leaving the following morning for a shoot; Hayami and Chiba, who had just returned from a mission for the MOD; Itona and Murumatsu, who still lived and worked nearby; and finally, Ritsu, who was a mobile AI and therefore could be anywhere.

"Alright," Nagisa reviewed, "first, Karma, Kayano, and I will head in and take out as many guards as possible, Itona and Muramatsu will follow and find the students. Chiba and Hayami, you'll provide cover and assistance, and Ritsu will keep us all connected. Don't kill anyone." he stressed that last order, knowing he was surrounded by a group assassins, even if that had been back in middle school. "Does everyone understand?"

"What about me?" Kirasaya asked, determined to be part of the operation.

"Stick close to us, kid." Muaramatsu said, referring to him and Itona, who had, in theory, the part with the least risk.

"So I'm stuck with noodle guy and Fumei's celebrity crush?" Kirasaya whined.

"Who's Fumei?" Itona asked curiously, since he was pretty sure he wasn't 'noodle guy'.

"Never mind that," Karma interjected, "you'll be doing the actual rescue part of the plan, Kirasaya-san, so I don't know what you're complaining about."

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