(3.7) Sparring time!

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"Up and at 'em everybody!" Karma shouted to anyone who wasn't already out of their tents. "We've got pancakes ready, come and get it!"

"Ugh, what time is it?" Marihara groaned, pushing herself up. Her long, cranberry hair was a gnarled mess, and it stuck to her face where she had slept on it until she ran her fingers through it absently. She poked her head out of the tent to check the clock on the side of the schoolhouse, but without her glasses on, she couldn't read it. "Too fudgin' early, that's what time it is."

"It's almost nine," Hinata teased as he walked past the girls' tent, still in his pajamas. "And did you just say 'fudging'? What are you a mild-mannered grandmother?"

"Oh eat me," Marihara said grouchily as she withdrew back into the tent and buried her face once more in her pillow.

"Kinky. I'm gonna have to pass this time, though," Hinata responded without missing a beat, and Marihara stuck her hand out of the tent to flip him off in kind.

"Get a room you two," Sujimura said, rolling her eyes as she left the tent herself, hair and makeup already immaculate, as she'd woken up nearly two hours before to start her beauty routine, much to the annoyance of many of the other girls.

"I will literally murder you in your sleep for that insolent suggestion," Marihara drawled, her voice muffled slightly with lethargy.

"Entertaining as this is, I think that's enough kiddos," Karma said with a smirk. "If you want breakfast you have to get up and get it now because otherwise you're SOL."

"What's SOL?" inquired Misono.

"Shit outta luck," Karma and Fumei answered immediately, both being familiar with the American phrase.

"Hey Karma, can you not cuss out my students please?" Nagisa said sweetly, though it was clearly an order, not a request.

"It's only nine am, and they're already threatening murder, making lewd comments, and cussing each other out just fine," Karma pointed out, expression decidedly skeptical. "I don't think I'm making much of a difference at all."

"You can't really argue with that, Nagisa-sensei," agreed Saishuu with a shrug.

"See!" Karma grinned, patting Saishuu on the shoulder. "This kid knows what I'm talking about!" Nagisa merely sighed and shook his head.

"Alright class eat up," Nagisa said above the noise of sleepy teenagers. "We've got a plan today, so once you've eaten get ready. We'll be doing a lot more physical and active stuff, so keep that in mind, and don't wear jeans." A few of the less athletic students groaned, but others were thrilled by the news.

After a hearty breakfast, and a few extra minutes of ablutions and preparations, the students were gathered in the sandy clearing outside of the school building in loose fitting clothes and tennis shoes. Karma and Nagisa stood before them looking pleased.

"I trust you all brought your knives," Nagisa said, at which many students drew the fake weapons from various places on their person. "Good, because this morning, you'll all be doing some sparring. Pair up everyone!" The students all found partners pretty quickly, except Kiya, who stood back and watched the others with a blank face.

"You're not going to find a partner Kiya-san?" Nagisa asked her when he noticed this.

"We have an odd number, we can't split into pairs evenly," Kiya explained, not making eye contact. "Besides, I don't really know anyone that well."

"I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that you've come to class a grand total of three times so far this year. Four if you count the day you showed up only until you got your tests back and then left."

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