(2.10) Plant time!

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Finally, things were back to normal. Class 3-5 had had a weekend to get their thoughts in order, and Monday it was back to the regularly scheduled program. No one had yet addressed the elephant in the room that was Nagisa-sensei nearly completing an assassination, and it seemed likely that no one would, at least for a good, long while.

As well as they had handled it, the students were still reeling just a little, many hoping that they would soon forget the ordeal and move on with their lives. And moving on meant their regular routine of trying to assassinate their teacher.

In light of recent events, two of the students you'd least expect decided to take the initiative, Ushiwara and Satori, were ready to make their attempt. It's always the quiet ones, isn't it.

They decided to use poison. Ushiwara supplied snake venom, mixing it with a chemical agent that was supposed to nullify the effects, he then snuck it into Nagisa's thermos of tea while Satori distracted him, trusting the fragrance of the hot drink to mask the scent.

"Does that help, Satori-san?" Nagisa asked as he finished walking Satori through what she'd done wrong on her math homework.

"Yeah, I think I've got it now," Satori said in her soft voice. Her hot pink fingernails glinted as she wrote down the correct answer, and behind her glasses, her eyes glanced briefly to Ushiwara, who was just sitting back down in his seat. "Thanks Nagisa-sensei."

The whole class was quiet; any words were spoken in hushed whispers. They had all seen Ushiwara pour the harmless poison into Nagisa's tea, and they were waiting for the results.

But Nagisa had noticed the classes out of character volume, and it raised his suspicions. It had also made it easier for him the hear the slight creak of a chair being sat in on the other side of the room.

"It's no problem," Nagisa smiled at Satori as he stood up properly. "And you did an excellent job distracting me. I didn't notice your partner getting out of their seat at all. So who was it, and what did they do? Rig a trap? A bomb?" Nagisa turned in the direction he heard the squeak. "Was it you, Yatoni-kun?" The boy shook his head fervently.

"Uh, Nagisa-sensei," Satori called his attention back to her. "Nobody did anything. I think after the whole... er... ordeal... abduction and all, it'll probably be a while before anyone makes another assassination attempt. Unless, I mean, maybe I'm the only one who feels that way." Her already soft voice turned into a mumble at the end, and she looked down, shifting awkwardly in her seat.

"I suppose you're right Satori-san," Nagisa sighed, "though I suppose I'm just a little bit disappointed. You're assassination attempts really liven up an ordinary school-day." With that, Nagisa returned to his desk. "Sorry for the interruption class, please continue with your worksheets, and don't hesitate to ask if you have a question."

The chatter resumed, if a bit muted, as they continued working, each trying not to stare at Nagisa's desk, and the 'murder weapon' that sat there. At length, Nagisa opened his thermos and lifted it to his mouth, but it turned out that the tea wasn't quite strong enough to cover the scent of the venom after all.

Nagisa drew the thermos away from his face, and noticed that, in the light, the liquid was slightly discolored. "You actually poisoned my drink." Nagisa cracked a grin. "Not bad at all." After a quick glance around the room, he picked out two students with proud but disappointed expressions. "That was a great effort, Ushiwara-kun, Satori-san. You almost got me. Excellent job getting it into my tea without me noticing Ushiwara-kun, that was impressive. What did you use?"

"Er, just plain viper venom," Ushiwara said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "I mixed it with something so that it wouldn't be lethal, in fact, it shouldn't have any effect at all. But I figured since everyone saw me put it there, they would back us up if you'd drunk it."

"That's not bad, though I'm still not going to drink it—" Nagisa poured the tea into the potted plant in one corner of the classroom—"just in case. Shame though, I was looking forward to that tea."

The class continued as normal, but by the end of the school day, something had happened that couldn't escape anyone's notice. The once green shrub in the corner of the classroom had turned bright purple with ugly orange spots, and it had nearly doubled in size

Fumei had been staring at the plant in shock and horror since she'd first noticed the spots starting to appear during third period, but in the end it was Misono who decided to bring it up.

"So I guess it's a good thing Nagisa-sensei decided not to drink that tea after all, huh," he remarked.

"I don't know," Marihara shrugged, "I think it woulda been funny to see Nagisa-sensei three meters tall and covered in spots."

"That could've killed Nagisa-sensei for real..." Asui whispered.

"I don't know about that," Ushiwara muttered. "Aside from the strange coloration, the plant looks even healthier than it did before. Plus, plants and people don't always have the same reactions to things."

"Am I the only damn person here who doesn't think this should be fucking possible‽" Fumei interjected loudly. "Scientifically speaking, that plant should be dead or unchanged, this reaction is unnatural and frankly impossible, not to mention freaky as all hell."

"Nagisa-sensei, do you mind if I take the plant home?" Ushiwara asked, ignoring Fumei's comment. "I'd like to do some tests and see what exactly happened."

"Not at all, go right ahead," Nagisa agreed easily. "Let me know what your conclusions are." Ushiwara nodded, and heaved the plant up, wobbling out the door to the classroom with it. "Need some help with that?" Ushiwara nodded again, and with the two of them carrying it, they started out of the classroom.

"Seriously‽" Fumei called after them, as everyone else left as well, heading off to wherever it was they were going after school. "You're fucking kidding, right‽ That thing could be toxic! You're just gonna take a humongo, mutant-ass plant back to your house like it's nothing? You're parents are gonna be totally chill with something like this? Somehow I doubt that."

Ushiwara just shrugged and continued, with Nagisa's help, to carry the plant to the curb where he would wait for his ride to come pick him up. Fumei gave him a confused and mildly disgusted look before going her own way home, still utterly baffled by the whole ordeal.

[This chapter was kinda dumb, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. Since this is the last chapter in the arc, I'm now going on a brief hiatus (by brief I mean: no more than six weeks) just so I can get a head start on the next arc before I begin publishing. (Speaking from experience, I know my chapters are much better when I write them ahead of schedule and have plenty of time to edit, believe me.)

I may, however, write a bonus chapter for 10k reads (that's insane guys! Thank you thank you thank you!), but Idk yet. Thank y'all so much for all your comments! Your support and jokes and such really make my day every single time, you guys are awesome af! Love y'all.

<3 Raaor!]

[PS: shoutout to my little sister's "not-girlfriend" who found this fic, and read it, and actually flipping texted me telling me to update on Monday (and I completely freaked out, thanks). "The pigeon queen of gay ships" approves, but she still doesn't get me to update ahead of schedule. Sorry Teacup, lol, you tried.]

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