(3.6) Camping time!

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"Now that the tents are set up, go ahead and explore," Nagisa told his students. "We'll meet back here no later than six-thirty pm!"

With that, the students dispersed, eager to take a look around. Ushiwara was excited to see what sorts of flora and fauna were on the mountain, Kiya went to scope out the lay of the land, one group opted to look around the little school building once Nagisa unlocked it, and some of the others decided to test their tree-climbing skills.

"Maybe Hinata-kun could do it, but you're like a twig, Kurra-kun," Yatoni said, laughing.

"So's Nagisa-sensei, but I bet he could do it!" Kurra shot back indignantly.

"I could do what?" Nagisa asked, overhearing his name in their conversation.

"Climb this tree," Yatoni answered, ponting to a particularly tall black pine tree with a wide trunk. It wasn't the easiest tree in the woods to climb, but it wasn't the hardest either. The lowest branch was about two and a half meters up, but the base of the trunk was angled enough for decent footing.

"Probably." Nagisa shrugged, and started to go back to sorting through the supplies.

"Wait, show us!" Yatoni insisted.

"Yeah, do it!" Hinata agreed.

Soon enough there was a chant going, and with a sigh, Nagisa returned to the group and relented. After a brief cheer from his students, and a resigned sigh, Nagisa approached the tree. He sized it up for a few seconds, then backed up to get a running start.

He jumped onto the trunk, and launched himself up to grab the first branch. Once he had a grip on it, he heaved himself up, until he was seated comfortably on the bough.

"Happy now?" he demanded, rolling his eyes. The assembled group applauded, and he laughed, jumping down. "I'm gonna go back to setting up camp, you kids have fun."

When the clock on the side of the school building showed half-past six, the students gathered back in the clearing. Nagisa and Karma, with a little help from the Ryouma twins, had set up all the materials needed to cook dinner. Ken helped as well as they unpacked all the ingredients for a barbecue.

"Anyone who wants to help with cooking is welcome to," announced their teacher.

"Anyone except for Shirota-kun!" amended Kirasaya, much to the relief of anyone familiar with Shirota's reputation.

"That's fair," Shirota admitted. Even he knew that he couldn't cook to save his life.

By the time the sun was setting, the group was stuffing themselves with a delicious barbecue dinner. Ushiwara and Saishuu had started a fire, and everyone was sprawled out around it, telling stories and laughing.

Nagisa was determined not to fall asleep before Karma. He just knew that if he was left unsupervised, Karma would wreak havoc in some way or another. The bluenette did his best, he really tried, but it was around nine o'clock when he started to nod off.

Days of late nights working to put this trip into action were finally taking their toll, and at 9:28 PM, Nagisa was out like a light. His heavy head slipped down onto the lap of the person he was seated beside, who was, of course, Karma. The tall man absently brushed Nagisa's azure locks out of his face. He was so used to his boyfriend falling asleep on him, that he didn't pay it any mind until someone pointed it out.

"You and Nagisa-sensei are pretty close, huh?" Misono inferred cautiously.

Karma furrowed his brows at the question before he noticed the other man on his lap, then he just shrugged. "We've been friends for about ten years," he said nonchalantly. "We share a rent. I suppose we're pretty close."

"You must know a lot about him then..." Misono hesitated before continuing. "Do you... do you know where he learned all that a—" he lowered his voice— "assassin stuff?"

"Oh yeah! He's pretty sharp with that isn't he," Karma remarked, unperturbed. "He's got a real talent there, always has, as long as I've known him. He's got this one particularly nifty little trick: he can do just about anything once he sees it demonstrated. So I'd say he learns 'all that assassin stuff' from anywhere he can."

Karma smirked at the looks on all the teenagers' faces. Some were horrified, others disbelieving, some looked intrigued, even hungry for more information. If Nagisa was awake he'd have Karma hog-tied or something, probably.

"I'd say it really started, though, in our third year of middle school," Karma explained with mock thoughtfulness. "Our teachers were Bitch-Barbie, Batman sans-silly-costume, and a giant yellow octopus."

"Come on Karma-san, be serious!"

"I'm completely serious!" Karma defended, putting on his best serious face, though it looked very fake. He couldn't maintain it however, and broke into a grin. "But you don't have to believe me I guess. In fact, it's probably better that way. Would you like me to tell you some stories anyway? Even though there's a fifty-fifty chance they're complete bullshit?"

There were lots of nods, uncertain and fervent, and varying in between amounts of enthusiasm. There were several eye-rolls too, and a few students just looked away, but none refused. With a signature self-satisfied smirk, Karma began to tell them stories.

He told them about when he first joined class 3-E, met Koro-sensei, and destroyed his tentacle. And how every attempt to kill him those first few days resulted in some sort of unwanted grooming or another. He didn't blame them for not believing him. It was a bit far fetched.

He told them the story of Professor Bitch joining the class. A seductress foreign assassin, teaching a bunch of middle schoolers. How she'd taught Nagisa her 'kiss-of-death' technique on her first day by using it on him to get his notes on Koro-sensei's weaknesses. He doubted they believed that either.

He told them about their trip to Kyoto, and the trip guidebook that was so complete that it included every possible scenario when two of their group members were kidnapped. As well as serving as a heavy, blunt object to knock out the attackers. That bit they believed, they had seen that guidebook themselves, but they weren't so sure about the part where the octopus beat up the attackers at Mach 20, wearing a veil because he was embarrassed for his students to see him causing violence.

All in all, it came down to what they wanted to believe. And when they went to their tents at nearly midnight, Karma having to carry their teacher, they sifted through the information the tall man had given them. They were trying to separate fact from fiction, but it was more difficult than they'd anticipated.

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