(2.5) Presentation time!

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"Thanks for waiting for me," Asui announced as she arrived six minutes late. "I noticed a car bomb on my way here and took it upon myself to disarm it."

"How very valiant of you Asui-san." Nagisa chuckled. "Why don't you have a seat, and we'll start presentations, who would like to go first?"

Fukara opened with a very enthusiastic presentation on Mase Haruna. They continued the presentation throughout the day. Fumei gave a, perhaps too informative, presentation about her subject. Near the end, Kirasaya gave her presentation. As soon as she told the class her subject, they all listened with rapt attention. Nagisa-sensei buried his head in his arms, tempted to hide under his desk.

Kirasaya told the class about his home-life a little, about what schools he went to, what he studied in college, and a little bit about his 'roommate' Karma. But the presentation was short, and left a lot out.

Overall, the class was confused by her boring presentation. They were hoping for some blackmail material, or some light gossip at least, but they didn't learn anything new and interesting at all. It was disappointing.

Finally, Saishuu did his presentation, and then they went to lunch. That day, most of the class crowded around Kirasaya, who usually spent lunch period in her small group of friends.

"What was that?" Marihara demanded. "We were all counting on you to get some quality information on Nagisa-sensei, we don't give a crap where he went to high-school."

"What about that theory you told us about?" Misono asked. "Didn't you find any proof one way or the other?"

"And what about Karma-san?" Kurra urged. "You barely mentioned the guy, and I've been curious about him since we first heard the name."

"Even I was kinda expecting more from you Kirasaya-chan," Katsura admitted. "You were so excited about learning more, but the most interesting thing was that his best-friend was also his roommate. You didn't even include that he was kidnapped recently and escaped, although I guess we all knew that already."

"Sorry, guys." Kirasaya shrugged. "That's all I could get." Fumei scoffed quietly, but said nothing.

This statement was followed by a lot of annoyed groans and sighs, and most of the class dispersed. Leaving only the usual group.

"So seriously, what did you learn?" Shirota asked, easily spotting her I-know-more-than-I'm-letting-on face.

"Like I'd tell you," Kirasaya joked. "Sorry, I'm sworn to secrecy. If I slip up, Fumei-kun could go to prison."

"Way to keep it on the down-low," Fumei sighed, then mumbled, "fucking moron."

"Heh, sorry." Kirasaya rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "You guys have to admit, though, the pic I got was freaking awesome." This was met by unanimous agreement. Karma had been more than willing to supply her with the photograph.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, a group of criminals was having a meeting about an extremely agitating rival, whom they wanted to get out of their way. And they needed a certain tool to do it.

"What are we gonna do about this new guy‽" the ringleader asked in an exasperated yell. "He needs to die!"

"Yeah, but we haven't been able to kill him," his second in command said tiredly. "We've tried, remember?"

"There has to be some way!" cried the boss. A timid hand went up on the other side of the room.

"This isn't a classroom, Ochaco-san," the second said calmly, "what is it."

"Er... well," a woman said awkwardly. "I heard about this one guy. An assassin, one who killed the thing responsible for the destruction of the moon. Apparently, he's never failed to defeat a target, but no one knows exactly how many targets he's had."

"So it could be as big as several hundred!" The boss exclaimed.

"Or as Little as one," his second pointed out.

"Still, I've heard some stories that are pretty scary," the woman said. "I can contact him... he works at a school; I think it's a cover of some kind, or maybe he's trying to lay low, or something like that."

"He works... at a school?" the second asked, growing increasingly more skeptical.

"What a brilliant disguise!" The boss was getting very excited. "No one would suspect a teacher to be a dangerous assassin! Ochaco!"

"Yessir!" The woman stood straighter, a bundle of nerves.

"Call him!" the boss said with a crazed smile.

"Yessir!" she squeaked, then ran to the other room where the phone was located, followed by the boss and his second in command. She did a quick search for the number, and dialed it.

"Hello." Came the answer.

"Is this Shiota Nagisa?" Her voice was weak.

"Is this another illicit company attempting to hire me for a job I have no intention of taking?" the voice asked in response. "I thought I told you people not to call, especially during school. Didn't you get that memo?"

"Er, no?" The boss took the phone from her.

"Shiota? We have a new target for you," he said in a commanding voice.

"And I have a refusal for you," Nagisa said, unfazed by the boss' aggression. "Now if you'll excuse me, class is about to start." And then there was a click, telling them that their assassin had hung up.

"He said no to me," the boss said.

"How insolent," his second remarked, emotionless. "What shall we do?"

"Now we have to get him to do it!" The boss slammed a hand down on the desk to enforce his point. "If he'd failed, that'd be one thing, but straight up refusing‽"

"He seemed kind of attached to the school..." the woman offered quietly.

"I know!" The boss seemed excited again. "We'll just take that away from him!"

"A whole school?" His second raised an eyebrow.

"No! Just the kids!" the boss said. "No kids, no classes, no school. It's perfect."

"Very well," his second relented.

[The plot thickens... *maniacal laughter* I'm excited. Love y'all.

<3 Raaor!]

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