(2.6) Hostage time!

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"Ritsu!" Fumei shouted, as she desperately flitted around her small room, dodging around the large, lumbering man who was trying to grab her. "Send emergency message number six to Akemi, Yukine, and Saishuu!"

"Of course Fumei-chan," Ritsu responded immediately. "Messages sent!"

Fumei continued to twist and weave, trying to get the window or the door, but she had to stop for a precious moment to get the window open when she finally reached it, and the intruder grabbed her ankle and held a damp cloth to her face. She got a faint whiff of chloroform, and held her breath, trying not to inhale any more of the chemical, then after a few seconds, she let herself go limp, still not breathing.

It did her no good to be awake, though; he held her fast. She wasn't particularly strong, so even if she'd struggled, Fumei wouldn't have had a chance. The man dragged her out to a van, swiftly tied her up, and threw her haphazardly into the back of a black panel van.

Her eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness, likely because she was always wearing sunglasses, although she wasn't now. Looking around the compartment she saw that she wasn't alone. There were four other people, her classmates. Something was up, but hopefully her message had reached her friends before the kidnappers had. She'd sent number six because she hadn't had enough information to know that she should have sent number fourteen.

Kirasaya's phone buzzed on her bedside table as she was polishing her sword. It was a text from Fumei.

From: TF
EM6: Kidnapped. Be wary. Investigate. Inform authorities at own discretion.

Kirasaya was instantly on her feet, sword sheathed and hanging at her back. At least it wasn't number fourteen, that would have meant that Kirasaya was definitely a target, although it was likely that Fumei had sent the message in a hurry, and didn't have a lot of information. She stuffed her phone in her pocket in case she got the all clear, and left her house, taking her bike to Fumei's.

Upon arrival, she noticed that all the lights were off, and Fumei's aunt and uncle didn't appear to be home. She walked around the small house, and saw that Fumei's bedroom window was open. There were tire tracks nearby, but Mr. and Mrs. Hopper, Fumei's aunt and uncle, didn't own a car.

She entered through the open window, to find that Fumei's room had been completely trashed. Her desk had been overturned, and her laptop was on the floor, still plugged into the charger, which had been pulled out at the wall. There was what looked like a new hole in the wall by her bed as well.

Clearly she had not gone quietly. They didn't seem to have taken anything but her. Everything worth anything was still there. Although, it might've been because they didn't realize the things were valuable, her phone and laptop were long outmoded models, even though Fumei had brought them back from obsolescence.

After a bit more snooping, Kirasaya didn't find anything useful, of course, she didn't really know what she was looking for. She tried to get a hold of Shirota and Saishuu to ask if they knew anything, but they didn't respond to her texts, and her calls went to voicemail. She tried other classmates with the same result. Something was definitely wrong.

"Hey Kirasaya-san?" Nagisa asked when the entire class was not at school the next morning. "They're not all ditching again, are they?" he guessed.

"Fumei sent an emergency message to me last night that she's been kidnapped." Kirasaya confirmed her teacher's suspicions. "I checked out her place, and when I couldn't get in contact with anyone I decided not to go home last night."

"That was very smart of you," Nagisa commended, "but I have to find out what happened to them. Do you have any ideas?"

"Seems likely they were all kidnapped like Fumei." Kirasaya inferred. "Better question is by who? And why?"

Then Nagisa's phone rang.

"I have a feeling we're about to find out." He picked up the call, but said nothing.

"We have your students Shiota," said a deep, threatening voice on the other end. "No one says 'no' to us. If you want them back, you'll do as we say."

"Yeah, I figured as much," Nagisa frowned. "Where are you keeping them?"

"Like I'd tell you that?" the man scoffed. "I'm going to send you a location and a time. Meet me there, come alone, and when you've accepted the job, you'll be payed and your students released. Sound fair?"

"Sounds like blackmail, actually." Nagisa kept his voice level, but Kirasaya could see his look of anger, and worry, and also determination. "You'll regret this. I promise you."

"I'll see you at the appointed time and place." Nagisa could hear the smirk in the other man's voice; he thought he'd won, and that seriously pissed Nagisa off. This wasn't even close to settled.

After hanging up, he placed another call, and another. He was contacting some old friends. He was going need some help. Kirasaya stood there, listening intently. Finally, when he'd made all the calls he needed, she spoke.

"I know what you're planning, and I'm coming with you," she said firmly. "I'm going to help. And before you argue, my friends are there. I'm going to go whether you want me to or not, you're only choice is whether you and your friends will be able to keep an eye on me when I do."

"Fine." Nagisa relented after a moment. He knew she wasn't bluffing, and if she was going anyway, he'd rather be able to protect her.

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