(1.11) Shopping time!

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"Hey, Akabane-sama," one of Karma's coworkers called out to get his attention. No one was actually working, instead, several of the guys were having a conversation about girls. "What about you, have you got a special lady?"

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Karma asked, irritated. "I prefer to go by my given name, so please call me Karma."

"Fine Karma," The coworker said. "But that doesn't really answer my question." Karma said nothing, continuing his work.

"What about that cute girl with the blue hair that comes to meet you after work sometimes?" Another man suggested. He remembered seeing her a couple of times; she'd show up about an hour or so before Karma got off work and read until he came downstairs and then they'd leave together.

"Nagisa." Karma whispered with a soft smile.

"Wow, never seen you make that face before?" A third remarked.

"So you two are a thing," the second said with a smirk. "Nagisa, huh? That's a cute name, it fits her."

"I think I've seen her before," the first guy remembered. "She's the short one, right? She looks really young, are you dating a high-school girl Karma-sama?"

"High-school teacher, actually," Karma corrected. "Well, teacher-in-training at least."

"Really?" the second asked incredulously. "Wow, you don't really seem like someone who'd go for the smart type."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Karma asked jokingly. "You thought I'd go out with a ditz? That's a laugh. I'd get bored way too quickly." His voice dropped a bit, but they still heard his words. "I could never get bored of Nagisa."

"You say that now, but just wait," the third guy scoffed, "all girls get tiresome eventually, they never last long, and they need to be replaced regularly, or you'll lose your mind. How long you been with this Nagisa girl, anyway?"

"Coming up on five years now." Karma said happily.

"Damn!" said the first guy. "And I was thinking of stealing her from you, she's adorable." Karma laughed shortly, as if his Nagisa would ever go for a moron like him. "Whatever. If it's been that long, though, why don't you just marry the girl?" Karma got quiet. "Did I say something?"

"I wish I could," Karma said sadly. "But that's not in the cards for us right now."

"Why not?" asked the second guy. "Her parents don't like you or something?"

"Or something." Karma sighed, then looked at the time. "I'm going to clock out now. Nagisa's waiting for me downstairs, we're going out this evening." He closed the program he'd been working on and walked past all the desks to the elevator.

"Get some!" called the third guy, jokingly. Karma laughed and stuck his tongue out at the guy as he entered the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor. He knew it was childish, but he didn't really care.

When he reached his floor, Nagisa was in his usual seat in the waiting room, a book open on his lap. Karma approached him from behind. "You ready blueberry?" he whispered into his ear. Nagisa looked up at him with a nervous smile, marking his page with an old envelope.

"No," he admitted.

"You brought this on yourself." Karma pointed out. "You have to follow it through."

"Yeah, I know." Nagisa sighed, stood up, and put his book away. "Let's get this over with." Karma smirked maliciously as he and his boyfriend headed toward the shopping district.

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