(2.8) Concession time!

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"Looking for this?" called a voice from the direction of the hideout. The group turned to see a man, holding Kirasaya fast, with her own katana pressed against her throat. People with guns aimed at the girl surrounded the pair. "Attack me, and my men shoot her. Try to take her, and I slice her throat. Do as we ask, and she will be spared."

"He's not gonna do anything for you," Kirasaya said while trying to be as still as possible to avoid being killed, then she spoke directly to her teacher. "Don't Nagisa-sensei! I'm not worth it! Ninety five percent of the class isn't half bad. I'll figure something out, and if not, who cares about me anyway?" She wasn't serious, Nagisa could see it in her pained eyes. She was just a kid, and she didn't want to die.

"Nagisa-sensei isn't gonna assassinate someone just to save Akemi-chan, is he?" Shirota asked Karma in a whisper.

"That idiot probably will," answered Karma, keeping his voice low as well. "After all, if he let a student die, what kind of teacher would he be?"

"Fine!" Nagisa called back to the man. "What are your terms?"

"Firstly," the man tightened his grip on the sword. "Send away the others."

"You heard him!" shouted Karma to the assembled crowd, students and assassins alike. "Let's get out of here while this kind gentleman is giving us the chance." He lowered his voice and told Nagisa, "you'd better know what you're doing. I won't go far, so if you need me, give me a shout." Then they all left, albeit reluctantly.

There was ear-splitting silence as the group walked away, but as soon as they were out of earshot, Misono shattered the silence, as well as the eardrums of the people standing nearest him.

"What was that‽!!!" he yelled. "Who are you people? Why do you have guns—" he gestured to the rifles carried by Chiba and Hayami—" And who were those people? And why did they want Nagisa-sensei to assassinate someone? Why did we all get kidnapped? What's going on? And are we seriously going to let Nagisa-sensei go through with this‽"

"Deep breath kid," Muramatsu said, patting him on the shoulder. "We're friends of your teacher. We came to rescue you from those guys, who are part of a major crime syndicate or something like that. I didn't get all the details.

"Anyway, Nagisa denied them at first, so they kidnapped you all as leverage, that's when he called us for help. Name's Muramatsu, this is Hayami, Chiba, Itona, and you probably recognize Kayano, and that's Karma." He introduced each of them in turn.

"Wait, so you're Karma-san?" Misono looked at Karma in amazement.

"You know me?" Karma asked, curious. Had Nagisa mentioned the red-head to his class?

"We heard you got kidnapped just like us, but you escaped." Karma's eyes narrowed in confusion, then he seemed to remember.

"Ah, yes." He waved it off. "I had forgotten about that."

"Back to the problem at hand, though," Shirota said, less star-struck than most of the class, having met him before. "Nagisa-sensei's about to accept a job killing someone to save Akemi-chan. We're not gonna let that happen, right?"

"If you're worried about Nagisa's safety, don't be," said Kayano sweetly. "He can handle himself. I'm more worried about this Akemi-chan girl. Will she be alright?"

"Actually Kayano, the kid's right." Karma stopped in his tracks, having reached the maximum distance at which he could still hear his beloved if he yelled for help. "Physically, Nagisa won't have a problem, but mentally... what will that do to him? He was just a kid before, but now he's being sent on a hard-hearted contract kill, and being blackmailed into no less. I don't even want to think about the stress he must be going through with his student's life on the line."

"I guess you're right," Kayano said with a frown.

"So what do we do about it?" asked Misono.

"If we rescue the girl, then Nagisa won't have any reason to carry out the mission," Karma figured, logically. "So we do what we did this time. Rescue the captive, and the enemy's plan will crumble.

"Nagisa will probably call in sick and get a sub for you kids tomorrow. Anyone interested in helping save your classmate and your teacher, meet me at Matsuraiken at five pm. That work Muramatsu." The chef nodded. "Alright, get going. I'm waiting for him, but you'd all better scram."

The students nodded and dispersed, and Karma waited. He desperately wanted to go back and beat up every one of those bastards, but he knew there were too many, even for him, and they had weapons. So he waited impatiently for Nagisa to return. After what felt like forever, he finally saw Nagisa approaching, blue hair shining in the dim lamplight.

"What happened?" demanded Karma, as soon as Nagisa was close enough. "How's this gonna go down?"

"They gave me a photograph and an address." Nagisa kept his voice low as he approached Karma. "I'm doing reconnaissance starting tonight, and the actual assassination will take place in two days."

"That soon?" Karma's gaped at his boyfriend.

"Yes. I don't want Kirasaya-san in that situation for any longer than she has to be." Karma understood where the bluenette was coming from, but that gave him and the others a very small time-frame to get the girl back before Nagisa executed his target.

As soon as they reached their apartment, Nagisa changed into his most inconspicuous clothes, and left. Karma stayed up late that night, trying to come up with a plan to save the last student. It seemed like it was just one rescue after another recently, but if it kept his Nagisa from becoming a hardened killer, Karma didn't mind.

"I'm not gunna let ya make the same mistakes again!" shouted the boss. "I want eyes on the girl twenty-four/seven until our guy is dead. You get too tired, radio in for a replacement. You hear a bunch o' people breaking in with guns again, you call for backup, and you don't leave her alone for a second. You understand, morons?"


"Good!" The boss nodded his approval. "Now get! I gots things to attend to."

[Sorry this is kinda late, I completely forgot that it was Friday, oops. My little sister's "not-girlfriend" is hanging out at our house and we're binging Avatar: the Last Airbender since she's never seen it before. Love y'all.

<3 Raaor!]

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