(3.10) Return time!

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"Alright everybody!" Karma's voice rang throughout the mountaintop. "Wake up and smell the waffles! We're leaving today!"

Asui opened her eyes groggily. She felt something wrapped around her, and when her vision came into focus she realized that it was the arms of a still sleeping Kiya.

"Hey, Kiya-chan!" Asui called, voice still hoarse with tiredness. "Wake up! Let go of me!"

Kiya's eyes shot open abruptly and she jerked back, legs fumbling in her sleeping bag, ears bright red. "I uh—sorry..." she apologized, sliding awkwardly out of her sleeping bag.

"No worries," Asui assured her, not exactly sure what to make of the situation, but willing to ignore it seeing as she didn't really mind anyway, and she was never one to worsen uncomfortable situations. Stretching, she pulled herself out of her sleeping bag as well and pulled her pink plastic comb from the top of her bag running it through her hair quickly. She then styled her baby pink locks into a sloppy ponytail and fastened it with the hair-tie on her wrist.

The rest of the girls pried themselves off their pillows gradually, with Marihara and Fumei being the last to force themselves up. Sujimura, as per usual the girls had unfortunately realized, had woken up an hour before to do her beauty routine, though having slept outside the tent, she hadn't disturbed their slumber this time.

After a short breakfast, of almost frustratingly good ham and eggs courtesy of Nagisa and Ken, the students went to collect their things. Filled with disappointment at having to leave so soon, they all rolled up their sleeping bags and packed their clothes and things into their various backpacks and suitcases.

This was their last day on the mountain. Though their visit had been terribly brief, they already had many good memories of the place. They'd learned a lot in the barely two days they'd spent there, and bonded more as a class too. It's funny how much you get to know people when you travel together.

But now, unfortunately, the trip was over. Tents were packed up by teams of students working flawlessly together for once. The whole mountaintop was double checked for anything that may have been left behind. Then, finally, after a quick cleanup, and a headcount, Nagisa led the way down the mountain, with Karma bringing up the rear.

The redhead parted ways with the group of high schoolers when they reached the neglected campus at the base of the hill. Fumei was brave enough to give him a fist-bump as he left, but the rest just waved, hoping they'd get to see him again. Nagisa-sensei sure had cool friends.

On the train ride back home, the students hummed with conversation, reflecting on their favorite parts of the trip. Hinata gushed about how he wanted to find a firing range in town and get more practice with a gun. Marihara sat next to him, squished up against the window, even though no one was anywhere close to touching her, seemingly ignoring everything as she scrolled though her phone, glasses pushed up onto her head.

Without any prompting, she smiled and decided to speak. "They've announced a court date for the same-sex marriage trial!" Marihara announced as though that were very important.

"Really?" Hinata turned to look at the article she was reading over her shoulder. "That's great!"

"Why do you guys even care?" Ippantekina asked, scoffing at them.

"Her sister—" Hinata started to say, before Marihara cut him off.

"My sister and her girlfriend have been dating for like a billion years," Marihara explained. "Plus, Kowa-neesan has been planning her wedding since she was like five. Basically, I'm happy that my sister might finally get what she's wanted her whole life."

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