(4.9) Secret plan time!

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"Saishuu-kun, I wanna help." It was Fumei's turn to scheme at lunch. "I have a plan, but it's very important that Shirota doesn't figure out what we're doing."

"What do you have in mind?" Saishuu asked suspiciously, trying not to let on that Shirota had told him about Fumei's actions the previous night. She frowned at him, and he got the distinct feeling she already knew.

"Midoryu is a large gang, but they're also haphazard. All the members have varying skill levels, and almost none have formal training. What they have is numbers, brute force, and unwavering loyalty to their leader," Fumei explained. He could tell she was serious because she wasn't cussing, she only stemmed her foul language when she was excited or afraid, and considering the situation, she could be either or both right now.

"They've got about thirty grunts, and maybe five actual threats," she continued. "But you and Shirota have been ignoring a valuable resource of your own."

"What's that?"

"Your class is made up of twenty-one assassins plus Nagisa-sensei. Together, I don't think we'd have any trouble taking on a bunch of thugs. And we don't even need to fight necessarily," Fumei finished. "We show up, threaten them, give em a good scare, and demand they let Shirota out of their gang."

"Sure, in theory," Saishuu started to argue, "but do you really think we'll be able to convince all of them to help us out with this extremely dangerous and probably illegal thing? Maybe you've forgotten about self-preservation and the law, but I don't think most of our classmates would be so quick to dismiss those things for us."

"Not for us. But for Shirota? I think they would."

"What makes you so sure?" Saishuu asked.

"Fucking trust me for two minutes," she said, and he was pretty sure she rolled her eyes behind her sunglasses.

"Alright fine," he relented. "It's worth a shot I guess."

"Hey Akemi-chan," Saishuu decided that of everyone in the class, she would be the easiest to persuade. "How far would you go to get Shirota-kun out of a bad situation?" he asked her as she was unlocking her bike to go home.

After a few moments of serious though, Kirasaya answered, "I'd burn down a building with people still inside." When she saw the surprised look on his face, she figured she had better explain. "Maybe that's a bit severe, and I certainly wouldn't want to do that—Shirota-kun has been my friend for a long time, and I know I can rely on him. If I were in trouble, he'd do the same for me."

"Well, he's actually in trouble," Saishuu explained. "He joined a gang, and he's at his wits' end. Fumei came up with a plan to threaten them to let him out, but to do that, we need the help of everyone in the class."

"I'm in," Kirasaya said immediately. "Just text me when and where and I'll be there."

"Oh... alright." Admittedly, Saishuu had not expected that to go as well as it did, but he wasn't complaining.

"What do you mean 'Shirota-kun's in trouble'?" Fuyu asked in response to Fumei's vague request. "What's going on?"

"He joined a gang, and in order to get them to let him the fuck out we're gonna need our whole-ass class on board," Fumei clarified to the twins.

"What are we gonna do?" Fuyu asked.

"Simple," Fumei put her hands on her hips and smirked. "We scare the shit out of em."

"You want us to threaten an entire gang?" Fuyu translated, both him and his sister taking the situation very well. "Sounds fun. What do you think, Natsu?"

"I'm down," Natsu agreed.

"Of course I'll help," Marihara scoffed as if the answer to Saishuu's question was so obvious it hardly needed to be asked. "Just let me know me when and where."

"Alright, Fumei-kun," Kiya said with a nod. "I can't exactly say 'no.' I seriously owe him."

"I'm in too!" Asui added. "What about you, Satori-chan?"

"I'll go if you go," Satori agreed.

"That's three more for your plan then," Asui grinned and flourished a hand, "we await your signal."

"Have you told Nagisa-sensei?" Kurra asked. "He would know what to do."

"Nagisa-sensei has been teaching—training us to solve our problems ourselves," Saishuu said. "I think he'd be proud we're trying to handle this without his help."

"Alright. I'll do it."

"What's in it for me?" Ippantekina scowled, and Hinata jabbed him in the side with an elbow.

"Dude, do you need an excuse to help a buddy out?" Hinata frowned down at Ippantekina; sometimes being awkwardly tall had its advantages. "This is why you don't have a lot of friends." Ippantekina just scowled, silently acknowledging the truth of that statement, but not liking it. Hinata smirked and turned back to Fumei. "We're in."

"One condition!" Ippantekina interjected.

"Of course," Ken agreed immediately.

"Sure," Fukara shrugged, "don't know how much help I'll be, but I owe him one, anyway."

"Why not?" Yatoni said. "Any excuse to have something to hold over his head."

"Yeah," Misono said, grinning cheekily. "I wouldn't ignore a friend in need."

"Alright!" Ushiwara smiled enthusiastically. "It'll give me a chance to try out that new trick he taught me."

Saishuu was surprised at how accurate Fumei's claim had been. As soon as they mentioned it was for Shirota, not one of their classmates refused. It seemed that everyone in the class considered him a friend. A good one.

Shirota's friendly attitude, and his penchant for helping anyone who needed it, were serving him very well in his hour of need. Saishuu was a bit awestruck. He had never noticed it before. His friend was so modest, and didn't seem all that popular, but somehow Fumei had picked up on it anyway. And she was sure taking advantage of it.

Organizing what amounted to a coup d'état against a gang leader that none of them even knew, with nothing but a bit of knowledge and some light leverage? That girl could be really scary sometimes.

[Blarg! I'm sorry! I suck! But it's here now! Enjoy! One more chapter this arc! It should be a long one! Fuck finals! And editing! That shit was invented in Hell! I need sleep! Goodnight! Love y'all!

<3 Raaor!]

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