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"Branch! Open the door! I know there's a girl in your house! I saw her walk in! I read your texts! You can't hide from me! Branch? Branch! BRA-" Poppy's screams were cut off when Branch finally opened the door. "She's just a friend ya know!" He said, "You gotta stop doing that!". "Well YOU gotta stop making so many friends with girls!". Poppy tried to be mad but, just couldn't. She started laughing, Branch did too. "Do you want to come in then?" He asked. "Sure". Poppy walked inside and Branch closed the door behind them.

As they went down into Branch's bunker, Popcorn was inside trying to unpack her stuff. She heard laughter coming from the elevator platform and walked towards it, Not paying attention. "Hey, Branch, do you know where I can put my Clothes.... whoa". Popcorn looked up to see a familiar pink troll. "Who is this?" She asked. "Popcorn" Branch said, "this is Poppy. My... girlfriend". Popcorn's eyes widened. "Branch!" She hit his shoulder with the back of her hand. "Ow!" Branch squeaked rubbing his arm. Popcorn payed no attention to him. "You never told me you had a girlfriend!". Popcorn said. "Yeah, so?" Branch said. Popcorn hesitated, "Nothing it's just..... shocking".

Branch crossed his arms and looked at Popcorn disapprovingly. Popcorn crossed her arms, imitating Branch, "you heard me" she smirked. Branch scoffed, "Whatever". Poppy waved her arm in the air. Branch and Popcorn looked at her, confused. "Poppy what are u doing?" Branch asked. Poppy put her arm down, "can I talk now?" She asked. Branch chuckled, "yes, your highness". Popcorn raised an eyebrow, "Is that like a nickname or something?" She asked. Poppy stepped towards her, "oh. No. I'm the queen! He calls me that for fun" Poppy smiled. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Back up.... YOURE the QUEEN?!" She said. "Branch?!" She yelled at him. "What?!" He said annoyed, throwing his arms in the air. "You're dating the QUEEN?!". "Oh come on!" Branch rolled his eyes. Poppy chuckled, "well you two seem close". Popcorn looked at her, "are you being sarcastic?" She asked. Poppy raised an eyebrow, "maybe".
Popcorn turned to Branch, "I like her" she said pointing at Poppy. Poppy smiled yay. I'm glad. Now come on I'll show you where u can put your stuff" Branch said leading Popcorn into the bunker.

Poppy followed them. "Sooooo" she asked, "where ya from?". Popcorn looked at Poppy, "I live on the other side of Troll Village. I just never visited cuz I thought Branch was still a sad sack". "Hey!" Branch said. Popcorn rolled her eyes. She turned around to look at him. "Bruh, there's a reason no one came to see you when you were colorless". Branch's face turned a little pink. "Poppy came here when I didn't have colors!" He said gesturing towards her. Popcorn turned around, "you did?!". Poppy tensed, "uhhhhhh..." her face turned red. Popcorn broke out laughing. "Bro! Your own girlfriend is even embarrassed to admit she hung with you when you were grey!" She kept laughing. "That's hilarious!". Popcorn almost practically fell on the floor laughing. "Well, you guys have fun" she said, "I gotta go meet up with some friends". She walked over to the elevator platform. "See ya later!". And with that, she was gone.

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