Clues(part 1)

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"Uhhhh, here! Page 147!" Butterfly exclaimed. Butterfly had brought Poppy and Branch to her ,and her friend's, clubhouse to look for more information. "You have a book about me?!" Branch asked. Butterfly turned around from the book sitting on a table, "honey...." she clicked her tongue, "I have FIVE books about you". Branch's eyes widened and he and Poppy looked at each other. "Anyway" Butterfly continued, "here it says 'Branch had two parents, Stumpy and Autumn, who mysteriously disappeared on September, 10, 1996". "That's my birthday!?" Poppy said. "Really?!" Butterfly and Branch both asked at the same time. She nodded; Butterfly continued reading,"'Branch and the rest of his family, his Grandmother Rosiepuffs and his older sister Sparkles, were informed this by witnesses Popcorn, a dear friend of the family'! 'No one Knows for sure if they died or not but, all of their belongings were left with Autumn's mother: Grandma Rosiepuffs'!!". "That's it!" Poppy said, "that's where we can find more clues!". "At grandma Rosiepuff's" the girls shouted at the same time. "Hey Butterfly? Why does this book cover say pictures of Broppy sleeping?!" He attempted to take the book off the shelf. "That doesn't matter!" Butterfly grabbed Branch's hand and dragged him out of the clubhouse.


"Butterfly? Are you home?" Popcorn asked standing outside her friends bright blue pod. She stood there for a moment; looking around. When she didn't get an answer, Popcorn, assumed Butterfly was not inside. "Hmm?". She turned around. To see.... Butterfly! And Branch and Poppy! They were all.. running out of town?.Way, out of town. She didn't know what they were doing but, she would get answers soon; she followed them.


Branch, Butterfly and Poppy were just at the edge of Bergen Town when Butterfly stopped. She turned around to face the others, "wait a minute" she mumbled, "Poppy, can I see your headband?". Poppy hesitated but, did take the headband off hear head and handed it to Butterfly. She slung the band over her shoulder. What Butterfly asked next was unexpected, "and your crown?". Poppy, confused, raised an eyebrow. Butterfly held out her hand, "just give it to me". Poppy carefully took the crown off her head and handed it Butterfly. She nodded, "thank you". She stuffed the crown in her hair. Butterfly then took off her glasses and handed them to Poppy. "Here wear these" she said. Poppy took the glasses and put them on her face, confused. "But wait!"Poppy said, "don't you need these to see?" She pointed to the glasses. "Yes, I do but, I'll be okay" Butterfly answered, "oh! Speaking of which can I see those back for a second?". Poppy nodded and handed the round specks back to her. Butterfly then popped out the lenses, took a small rag out of her pocket and folded the lenses into it; she put the bundle in her pocket. Butterfly handed the empty frames back to Poppy. "There! Now they won't hurt your eyes" Butterfly told her. Poppy smiled and put on the glasses frames. They then continued on into Bergen Town.

"Butterfly?" Poppy asked, "why DID you take my headband and crown?". Butterfly stopped walking and turned around, "notice how no one's rushing up to you with a pen and piece of paper" she replied. Trolls were also living in the troll tree in Bergen Town but, were still Poppy's subjects. She came to the troll tree every so often to make sure things were in order. Most of the time, though, if there was a problem the trolls here would go to king Gristle, the bergen king, for help. "Ohhhhhh" Poppy said in realization. "Mmhm" Butterfly nodded and turned around. "Are we almost there?" Branch asked. Butterfly kept walking, "patients, Brother" Butterfly said imitating Creek, "try some positivity!". She smirked. "Shut up!" Branch blushed. "What about the way everyone else is going?" Poppy pointed to a large group of trolls heading towards the troll tree. Butterfly looked that direction then at Poppy, she grinned, "alright follow me". They all headed towards the crowd. Branch leaned towards Poppy, "you look cute in those glasses" he said. Poppy blushed, "thanks". They both saw a bright flash out of the corner of their eye. They turned towards it; Butterfly was holding a camera. "Dang it! My flash was on". "Butterfly!" The couple shouted together.


"We made it!" Butterfly exclaimed. She smiled and turned around to look at her companions; one of them was missing! "Where's Poppy?" she asked. Branch's head snapped to his side; no Poppy. "Where'd she go?!" Branch said. "We must of lost her in the crowd!". " Then how in the HAIR are we gonna find her?!". "I don't know!" Butterfly shouted, "she's YOUR girlfriend! Can't you like... remember her smell or something?!". Branch looked at her like she was crazy, "nooooo". "Fair point".

Butterfly started walking in circles, "ohhh. Okay! Gotta think, gotta think!". "Less thinking! More shouting! Pop-" Branch started. "Shut up! We don't want people to know she's here!". Branch was losing hope. "I've got it!" Butterfly exclaimed. She grabbed Branch's hand and ran towards a big rock. "If I could have your attention!?" She shouted. Everyone looked at her; Branch was confused, "now...." she took a breath, "who thinks I should throw Branch here off a cliff?!" Butterfly pointed at her companion. "What?!" Branch shouted. Then they heard a very familiar voice, "whoever just said that, I will whip your ass!!!". That's ma girl, Branch thought. The crowd parted to see a pink troll wearing glasses. She was frowning, clearly pissed off. Poppy tensed and looked at her friends on the rock. "Uhhhh..... I mean.... wait up, Rachel; Todd I'm.... right behind you!" She chuckled nervously and ran to her friends. No one seemed to care and went on with there day.

A/N: the reason I made Poppy's B-day on the disappearance of Branch's Parents was to add some drama to the story. Also it'll make more sense when I write the cute ending I have planned 😉

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