Updat (bored)

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    The trolls had wasted a lot of daylight and, once again, had to make an uncharted stop. But, the news wasn't all bad. At least now everyone was on the same side of the canyon thanks to another one of Butterfly's plans.

(I'm not explaining what happened cuz I wanna keep this story moving forward :P )

The group sat around a fire they had made earlier, laughing and talking but, one decided she had "better" things to do.

   Sparkles stood away from her friends in a dark part of the woods (why? I don't know...) far from the light of the fire. She didn't need the fire she had the moon light. The faint glow shone through the trees onto the map Sparkles was looking at. She thought for a moment, about the map, about why she had made it...about where it led to. She had remembered how she never seemed satisfied as a child, so dissolved in her own aloofness that she never found interest in doing anything. It all changed the day her parents went missing suddenly she felt like she had a purpose in life, a mission to accomplish and now...she was finally doing it. Sparkles had been so wrapped up in her own thoughts she didn't hear
Branch approach her.


   Butterfly, Popcorn, Poppy, GD And Branch all sat around in a circle around a fire. Sparkles had stepped away.

"Remember that time we went to that juggling show?" Butterfly glanced at Popcorn, "nerdy is the new sexy, am I right?".

Popcorn let out a sudden burst of laughter, "oh my gosh YES! We laughed so hard I peed my pants".

      *True story *

The group laughed. Poppy fell over on her back. Her stomach was starting to hurt. She noticed Branch wasn't laughing, he wasn't even tuning in to their conversation.  He was just... staring wistfully into the distance.
Poppy shifted her eyes to his face.

"Branch are you ok?"

"Huh?" He asked, still staring.

"I asked are you ok??" Poppy said, sitting up.

"Hold that thought" he stood, " I'll be right back".

Poppy had remembered. Sparkles had gone the same way not long ago. Her  lips twisted as she watched Branch leave. Poppy turned back to the group.

"Where's he going? You guys aren't fighting are you?!" Butterfly stood up, saying stuff too quickly for anyone to hear, "cuz if you guys break up I'm gonna".

"Butterfly!" Poppy shouted, "sit down".

Butterfly did so with a nervous expression on her face.

"Nothing is happening between us" Poppy finally said, "I think he just needs to talk to Sparkles" she said looking over her shoulder.

   As Poppy turned her head back, she swore she heard a slight shriek.

"Did you hear that?" She asked.

And almost as strangely as Branch had left, he returned, with Sparkles.

"I can't believe you lost it?!"

"Me?! What did I have to do with it??"

The siblings bickered as they came closer.

"It's gone" Sparkles said stepping up to the others.

"What is?" Butterfly asked.

"It's gone, the maps gone".

✌️Will continue very soon🤞

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