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"Oh but, wait?!" Butterfly rushed back through the doorway.

"Yes, Crane?".

"Do you recommend anywhere we could stay overnight?"

Atlas nodded, "I have a cabin in the woods about 2 miles north" She said smiling.

Butterfly bobbled her head in understanding, "thanks again!" She said finally leaving, catching up with others.


"This map is exquisite!" Sparkles remarked for at least the 10th time, "I mean... wow... it's got graphing and mountain ranges and everything!"

The group floated down a stream on their makeshift raft, still heading north.

(I'm skipping details a little bit to keep the story going...)

"Ok Sparkles we GET IT!" Poppy shouted annoyed. Sparkles became silent, slightly offended.

Branch elbowed Poppy in the side and shot her a glare.

He chuckled, "Now I get to elbow you" Branch said tauntingly.

She responded by pushing him into the water. Poppy laughed as Branch swam back to the slow moving raft. Butterfly's camera went off once again. Poppy chucked that into the water too.

"Hey!" Butterfly smirked, "I have a backup" she said pulling a second camera out of her hair.

The couple groaned as Butterfly snapped another picture. Sparkles piped up again.

"If we wanna stay at Butterfly's friends fancy hut thing we gotta keep moving".
She jumped off the raft continuing on land. The others followed.


Evening came and went. The friends slept on real beds that night and found some food in the cupboards for breakfast that morning. Now they were back on the road again.

The crew was quite tired and the decided to take turns leading the way...

(Why? I don't know!.....duh duh dadudada  ¡CONTENT!)

It was during one of Branch's turns when...they.. showed up.

Branch turned a corner but quickly came back running.

"What's wrong?" GD asked.

"It's terrifying and colorful and... up- upbeat...and...and it wants me to come with them to candy mountain?"

(Y'all already know who it is...)

The others looked at him confused, "are you high?" Butterfly asked.

"I see what's happening here" Poppy said stepped forward, "I'll take care of it" she grabbed Branch's hand, "Now, let's see what's going on...".

The two looked forward to see two pink and blue unicorns circling another gray colored one. (damn whata

The others came around the corner.

"Hey guys? What's taking so loooong?...." Butterfly and the rest of the troll stood there even more confused, "Holy F*ck!?".

The unicorns turned to them.
"CoMe oooon ChaAAarliEeee!! TheEese people aRe goInG to cAnDy  moooOuuuNtain...... riiiiIiight FrIeNdS??" The two said stepping closer.

"Run" Branch whispered, "RUN!"

"WwwwAAAaIiTTTt fffRrIIiEnnNdDsssSss!!!" The unicorns called chasing the screaming trolls.

The friends ran as far away as possible, steering off course, the unicorns close behind. They stopped at some big holes in the ground. Without hesitation (or thinking), they all jumped.


If you don't know who Charlie and the unicorns are...

Watch this ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

I'm not done yet guys! I'll be updating later tonight...

The Last Branch ((COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now