Faries and dust

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The door creaked open as Grace led the trolls into her home. Grace did not live in a pod but, in a rickety looking log cabin. The room was dark. Everyone could barely see past there noses. Grace walked into the darkness without hesitation. The trolls watched her as she lit a lantern that lit the room. The friends noticed the house did not seem as scary as before. More of a... cozy.

"Now" Grace said, " follow me upstairs".
The others hauled there bags up the rickety steps. The second floor looked like the first but with less furniture.

"Is this your bedroom?" Popcorn asked confused. Grace smiled.

"No. My room is down stairs. Although I swear there was something I was supposed to tell you guys... oh well" she chuckled. "Now please , make yourself's comfortable". After that she glided back down the stairs.

   The friends glanced at each other, worried.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Butterfly asked Sparkles.

"I'm sure".

"I think it's nice here" Poppy said unpacking her sleeping bag.

"You think everything is nice" Branch argued. Poppy chuckled.

Once everybody was in bed sleeping again it was about 3:45.  This time the sleeping bags were sets up in a circular pattern. Their feet facing inward and their hair out. There was no noise but, the sound of Grace doing some weird shiz downstairs.


   About an hour later, everyone was still asleep but, not for long.

   Branch sleeping peacefully next to Poppy and his sister when he felt someone breathing heavily behind him.

"Poppy go back to sleep" he said groggily.

"I don't know who the hell that is but, I'm not her" a strange voice answered. Branch sat up quickly to see some random troll. She had crazy hair The was crimped  (and made her look like a god dam lion!) and looked like she hadn't showered in awhile. She had dark circles under her eyes and one was twitching like crazy.

"Heeeey theeeerrreee. You want some faaaaaaries? They're Freeeeeeeeeeeeee!!" The troll said.

Branch scrambled away from the crazy lady as face as possible. She shook Poppy awake. She squealed

"What's going on?" Poppy noticed the weird troll in the corner. "Branch? Who's that?" She asked ,nervous.

"I have no clue"

"For the last time go to bed!" Sparkles sat up and saw the troll. She sprang out of bed.

"If u don't want fairies, do ya want some duuuuust" she help up a bag with a strange substance in it, "it freeeee tooo".

"You two!" Sparks commanded, "get the kids over there! And hurry!".

"Why are you going? You just got here" the strange troll asked, "is something wrooooooooong??".

Sparkles froze. She looked at the others. "Pack up right now we gotta go!"

"Why?" Butterfly asked.

"That" Sparkles pointed at the troll holding the plastic bag. Butterfly's eyes widened,

"Oh hell no" she said and packed up.

The others packed up quickly and ran out the door, panicking.

"Where are you going?" Grace asked as they ran through the living room.

"There's a crazy lady in your house. K bye now!" Butterfly said and chased after the others. Grace stood and looked at the troll on the stairs.

"Adelaide" she said, "what the frick? Ya scared away our guest!!".

"But it was freeeeeeeeeeeee".

Ok yes I admit Adelaide is supposed to be a drug dealer.... *clears throat* ANYWAY, hope u guys liked it.

Stuffnthingss43220 Isa so butafulllll!!XD

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