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   Finally it was the next day. No more restless girlfriends, crazy forest ladies or creepy drog dealers. Everything was normal again. Well... as normal as it gets.

   The crew was exhausted. Popcorn was half asleep.

"Are we almost there?" She asked.

"Bro. We just started" Butterfly replied, "what do you think?". Popcorn let out an exasperated sigh.

"Calm down, Popcorn. I'm sure we'll take a short break soon" Poppy reassured her.

"Don't count on it" Sparkles spoke up.

"Where are we going anyway?" Butterfly asked Sparkles.

"Sunshine gorge".

"Aww. That sounds super cute" Popcorn commented in a squeaky little voice. Sparkles chuckled.

"What?" Popcorn asked, "What's so funny?!"

Sparkles giggled, "oh nothing. It's just funny that people think Sunshine Gorge is such a 'great place' ".

"It sure sounds like it! I can't wait to get there" Popcorn answered.

"Ok..." Sparks rolled her eyes, "if u insist".

"How far have we gone so far?" Butterfly asked.

"We're about a days walk from Bergen Town" Sparkles answered, "if we stop again".

"See Popcorn. It's not all bad" Butterfly smiled. Popcorn shrugged and they kept on walking.

Now it was getting dark. They were not stopping that night. Since Sparkles was leading the way she held up lantern so she could see where they were going. Some of the other trolls had smaller lights as well.

Poppy grabbed Branch's hand and rested her head on his shoulder while they walked.

Yep another one of these again🤗

"You holding up ok?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm just" She yawned, "tired".

Branch chuckled, "that's funny. You're never tired".

"I guess there's a first time for everyone, right?" she giggled. Branch kissed her forehead, "right".

The two beamed at each other and just as that perfect moment started, it came to an end.

   Suddenly Poppy was snatched off the ground.

Just kidding! There's more drama to this time 🤗 (sry)

"Poppy!!" Branch shrieked.


The group stopped to see the silhouette of some sort of.... moving flower.

"Poppy!" They cried realizing what had happened. But all that came in return were far of screams.

"What the hell was that thing?!" Popcorn asked.

"I don't know" Sparks answered thinking about what had just happened. She seemed pretty calm.

Butterfly looked around at her friends making sure they were ok.

   Physically, yes. Emotionally... sadly, no. Branch was starting to cry. Butterfly gasped slightly.

"Branch" she slowly paced towards him, "Are u alright".

"She's gone" Branch whispered

"We'll get her back. Don't worry" Butterfly answered settling a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry?!". Butterfly stepped back, startled.

"No! Butterfly! You don't get it! The one person I ever had feelings for is gone! The only troll I ever had my eyes set on, disappeared! The most important person in the world to me is gone!! We're never gonna get her back! We don't even know where that thing went!".

Popcorn leaned closer to Sparkles, "Shouldn't you do something?" She whispered.

"Eh. He's going through a phase. It'll pass." Popcorn looked at her confused,

"So your really not worried about this?"

"I've had to put up with Branch for about 18 years. I think I'd know if something bad was gonna happen".

"He's gone".

   Sparkles head snapped towards Butterfly, "what?".

"I just turned away for a second and then the next thing I know he's missing. I'm so sorry, Sparkles. I didn't mean it. I just-"

"Hey. Don't worry about it. We'll find him" Sparkles answered. She looked around making sure everyone else was still there.

"Alright team. Let's move out!".

The Last Branch ((COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now