Ooooo update!

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     The trolls had been walking all night and were getting tired.

"Branch? Can we please stop and rest for a sec?" Butterfly asked.

"No we gotta kee-" Branch started.

"Resting's a good idea" Sparkles interrupted. She sat down her bag. The rest of the trolls stopped and set down their heavy loads.

Branch looked around at his friends. He sighed and did the same.

"We'll set up camp for tonight and continue on tomorrow" Sparks added.

   Branch looked at Sparkles like 'what are you doing?!' . She returned the look with and glare and Branch didn't bother to argue.


They all set up their sleeping bags. GDs, Popcorn's, and Butterfly's were close to each other and Branch and Poppy were next to each other as well. Sparkles on the other hand was placed practically away from everyone.

   It was about 3:00 in the morning now. Butterfly and Popcorn had passed out of exhaustion, GD was asleep to and Sparkles was snoring... so...

  Poppy sat up, "pssssst, Branch? Are you awake?" No answer.  She tried again. "Hey! Branch!" She whisper shouted. Branch sprang up, "Sparkles?!" He called clearly tired. Poppy tensed at his sudden actions.
"No, Branch" Poppy waved her hands at him, "it's me, Poppy". Branch turned towards her. "Huh? Oh". "Sorry I woke you" Poppy apologized. "No, no it's fine" Branch quickly said. He yawned, "what's wrong? Why are you up?". "I couldn't sleep" Poppy answered. "Do you know why?". "No. Just excited I guess".  Branch chuckled, "well that's no surprise". Poppy smiled. Poppy lied her head down close to Branch. He looked down at her confused. "Branch?" She asked. "Yes Poppy?". "Have I told you how much I love you lately?". Branch's eyes darted to her. He blushed a bit. "Well... I can't remember" he chuckled. Poppy sat up, "oh. Well, I just did" she grinned And rested her head on Branch's shoulder. He smiled, "I love you too". An odd out-of-place sorta noise interrupted them. Their heads snapped behind them to see Butterfly with her camera.

   Butterfly froze and sat the camera down. "Hey don't mind me guys" she said, "please... continue". The couple frowned, "go to bed Butterfly!!" They yelled in unison.
Butterfly started going back to sleep, "ok, ok. I'm going, I'm going. Jeez".
Poppy rolled her eyes," we really should have checked her stuff before we left". Branch laughed and gave Poppy a hug. "Do you think you can go to bed now?". He asked. She smiled, "yes". Poppy leaned over and kissed Branch on the cheek, "goodnight Branch" she said and layed back down. Branch sat there shocked. He blushed.

"Goodnight Poppy".

Oooo wee. Yet another beautiful ending of another beautiful chapter.(sry it was short)

Guys I think I'm gonna be posting a lot because all I can think about is trolls. No, seriously. It's been keeping me up for 3 nights straight! And is all I think of when I wake up.

Also.... the Holiday special is coming out in November and I can't WAIT!! Is gonna be so gosh darn cute. Hopefully... anyway that's all for now! Bye guys 👋

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