Clues (part 2)

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The three friends walked through the entrance of the old pod and into a dusty-old-abandoned room. "Are you sure this is it?" Poppy asked quietly as if she was too loud the house would fall. "Positive" Branch said. He paused inside before walking all the way into the pod. Everything about the pod made it look abandoned (and creepy for that matter!). The moth-eaten petals of the pod. The worn out clothes still hanging on clothes lines outside. The dusty furniture. And the lighting was so eerie that the Trolls wish they had brought some source of light.

Branch walked across the room to, what looked like, the kitchen. Poppy did too, followed by Butterfly. Poppy stood beside Branch and looked at the old cupboard. It was very dusty and there were cobwebs EVERYWHERE!! Branch opened it; a swarm of scary looking bugs flew out! "Eeeek!" Poppy squealed. "Duck down!" Branch rapidly put his hands on Poppy's shoulders and pulled her down to the floor where Butterfly already was. They all stood up off the floor. "That was close" Butterfly stated. Branch nodded, "Poppy are u okay?" He looked at her to see if something happened. "Yeah, I'm fine" she grinned. Branch smiled sweetly and brushed the bangs out of her face. Okay, just grab the camera, Butterfly reached for her pocket, just grab it! "gah!". She stopped, huh, dang it! Oh well.

Branch and Poppy continued looking around the kitchen; Butterfly had wandered off.

After searching the kitchen, and finding nothing, Branch and Poppy made there way to Grandma Rosiepuff's bedroom. The room looked like the rest of the house: dusty and deserted. Poppy started to look around, "if you were a super secret- nobody-must-ever-find-it piece of information, where would you hide?" She asked. Branch didn't respond. "Branch?". Silence. Poppy turned around to face Branch. He was by Rosiepuff's bed holding what looked like a picture frame. Poppy walked up behind him and looked over his shoulder. In the frame was a picture of his family; His whole family. There was his mom and dad, Grandma Rosiepuffs, his sister Sparkles and... Branch. He was so young in that photo, only about three years old. Branch smiled at the picture. He turned around and jumped when he saw Poppy behind him. She smiled and gave him a hug. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!". All was ruined when the heard a scream come from inside the house. The looked at each other, "Butterfly!".


"Butterfly!". "Butterfly?! Where are you?". Poppy and Branch had been searching for Butterfly but, still hadn't found her. Butterfly's ears perked up at their voices, they were close. "Guys?!". When they heard which way the sound came from, they ran towards it. Butterfly heard their steps. Closer and closer. "Wait!! No guys don't run towards my-". Then, they got a little too close. Branch and Poppy had fallen into a whole in the floor of Rosiepuffs house! "Voice" Butterfly finished as they landed at her feet. Branch groaned as he stood up off the floor. Butterfly stood in front of them with her hands on her hips. He rubbed his head and noticed Poppy; he helped her up. "Are you okay?". "Yes" Poppy stood up, "I'm alright". Branch darted a glare at Butterfly, " why didn't you warn us?!". Butterfly scoffed and walked away. Branch and Poppy followed. "What is this place?" Poppy asked. They had seemed to had stumbled into a secret room of some sort. There were old books, photo albums, letters, notes and a ton of cobwebs. "Arg!" Butterfly's scream echoed out from the room. "Butterfly?!" Poppy called. When they found her she was lying on the ground with something sticky stuck to her face. "Sorry guys" she spit out a cobweb, " just a cobweb!". Branch rolled his eyes; he started examining the room. "It... looks like.. an office" Poppy commented. Branch walked up to an old desk. Poppy checked out the photo albums and Butterfly... well, she still had a spider web stuck to her face. She thrashed around on the floor till it came off. Then, she stood up looked around and walked towards a pile of books.

Branch began to read a piece of parchment on the desk.

I'm so close to finding out why and where my parents went. All the clues I've searched for lead me back to the same answer.

Something crashed, probably Butterfly.

My hypothesis, mom and dad are somewhere around sunshine gorge. I will begin my search tonight and figure out this mystery once and for all!

A few more letters were scattered around the desk. Branch was about to call the gang over when, "guys! I think found something!".


There was a table in the corner piled with books. Now you think Butterfly would pick one of the top of a stack. No. Butterfly is Butterfly and of course she picked a book off the bottom of the middle stack! The books fell. Now Butterfly was inside a giant pile of books, yet she still got the book she wanted! She dusted off the cover. It read: Clue 1. Ironic. Butterfly opened the book to see not pages of information but, a secret compartment! Inside was a little flooded up piece of paper. Butterfly un folded it. It was a map! The map started in the Troll tree  and ended in a place called sunshine gorge. The destination was circled with a red pen. The map looked very important and she thought she should tell the others right away. "Guys!" She said, "I think I found something!".

A/N: for those that are wondering Sparkles (otherwise known as Sparky) is an OC from a fanfiction I wrote awhile ago who was supposed to be the sister no one knew Branch had. So with that cleared up, I really hope you enjoyed it and I promise I'll be updating soon! 😋

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