Gotta dash

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Branch had been running his fastest for about five minutes. He stopped to take a breath and checked over his shoulder once more, no one, the others were definitely far behind. His pace had slowed to a walk. The tears he had before began to dry, his eyes stinging slightly.

I should've never read Popcorns diary, he thought, then we wouldn't be in this mess... Branch looked back again, I wish Poppy was with me.

To Branch, Poppy was like the sun(bright,annoying, and always in my eyes....*ahEm*) bright and always there. At least... almost, always there. She wasn't here now. But he really wished she was. Whenever she was around Branch felt safe. Like...nothing in the world could harm him. It was just him and Poppy, Poppy and him, almost...just not now.

Branch sighed this was the worst, or so he thought....


"Oh shit oh shit oh shit! What if he dies or falls off a cliff(ahEm foreshadowing) or just....ahhh! Poppy calm down!"

"I haven't said anything Butterfly!"

"Which way do we go?!"GD asked.

"Are we forgetting something?" Butterfly continued.

"There's footprints this way" Sparkles said pointing.

They went on through the forest as the tracks got fresher and fresher. Eventually some started calling Branch's name but, only received an echo in return.

"Where is he" Poppy mumbled to herself, getting worried.

"I feel lonely" Guy stated.

"That's nice" Sparkles said.

"I swear we're missing something" Butterfly mumbled.

"Well we don't have Branch" Poppy slightly pouted.

"You wanna start this again?!" Sparkles threatened.

"Well sorry that I miss my BOYFRIEND Sparkles!"

"You keep your damn hands off of my brother dang it!"


"I swear..."


"I swear you motherfu-!"

"Shut the fuck up I see Satan!" Butterfly interrupted.

"Satan?" Sparkles Asked.

"The monster, I see the monster thing- screw it come on" She said running ahead.


The 'running away from affection' thing was getting exhausting and Branch swore his legs were gonna fall off. He must of been tired too because now the ground was having a seizure. Except, it was.

The hell?!

Branch turned to see a humongous red beast with dead black eyes that stared into his sole. The horns it had didn't make it look too cute either. He let out a yelp, then just screamed his head off as he ran again.


  As the trolls ran towards the creature the strange sound of a middle-aged man going through puberty again screaming filled everyone's ears.

"BRANCH?!" Poppy called.

More screams came in return.

    This thing was like 20 times the size of them and would be impossible to get under control.

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