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Heh.... here's the update...(its Thursday...) *Swear Warning*

   "Do you see that?" GD asked.

"Sunlight!" (Rainbows!)Butterfly exclaimed.

The two ran as fast as they could till they stepped out of the darkness.

The rest of the group was outside. Branch and Popcorn were on two rocks far from each other, Sparkles was in the middle of them fiddling with something in her hand(*ahEm* knife)

DONT WORRY! She's not gonna kill anyone-_-

And Poppy was in a tree above Branch staring at Sparkles and clinging to the limbs for dear life. (Ha ha she's on a Branch above Branch...happy?) No one said anything.

"Hello? Fwends?" Butterfly asked waving an arm at the crowd.

Sparkles looked up, "good! You made it" she said putting away the blade, "stop being paranoid ya guys! Come on let's go!" Sparkles called to the group.

"Is that a knife?" Guy asked.

   Poppy squeaked and fell out of the tree at the word 'knife'.

"The hell?" Butterfly whispered.

"I'm not going anywhere with her" Branch declared, glaring at Popcorn, who's back was turned.

"Why are being so petty Branch?" Poppy asked brushing leaves out of her hair.

"Why are you still mad?" Popcorn turned around.

"Why are you a selfish liar? There, now we both have questions!" Branch snapped.

Liar? Butterfly thought, "oh shit...Pop you finally told him??" Butterfly whispered to her friend.

"You knew too??" Branch shouted in disbelief. Butterfly froze.
"I guess you told everyone except me, huh? The one person who deserved to know!"

"It was a big deal Branch! I wasn't not gonna tell my best friend!".

"Such a big deal? Then why the HELL did I not deserve to know???".

"Why won't you just LISTEN TO ME!"

The two fought, cutting each other off.

"Damn you guys sure have something to spill" Sparkles said.

"I'm not sharing anything till he apologizes for reading my diary!" Popcorn shouted.

"Well...then I'm not apologizing till you tell my Why?" Branch responded, his voice cracking and tears pooling in his eyes.

"Whoa, Branch. What's happening?" Poppy asked.

"Popcorn has known about my parents since they say they 'died'" he said making air quotes.

"What do you mean?"

"Branch's parents didn't die. They ran away! And they told me, only me what they were doing! And I was so  young and confused I didn't realize how  fucking important it was!!!" Popcorn buried her head in her arms and hugged her knees, "I'm sorry".

"How do I know your not just lying to me again?!" Branch started.

"Holy FUCK! Why can't you just believe me?"

Branch was crying now, "whatever" he stood and ran in the opposite direction.

"Wait! Branch!?" Poppy  yelled.

"Leave me alone!" He cried.

   Branch was completely out of sight now. Sparkles turned to Poppy, "this is all your fault!"

"My fault!?"

"Yes! If you hadn't asked Branch about how he was feeling, we wouldn't be in this mess... I warned you about his sensitivity" her gruff voice returned, "and what do you fuckin' do?" Sparkles slowly walked towards Poppy and pulled a sword form her backpack, "you...make AWAY!" She charged at Poppy.

Poppy dodged and ran towards Butterfly and GD. The sword shanked the tree trunk, where Poppy had been.

(Ok so I lied about the killing thing..... god damn! I'm not that insane! She'll be fine)

Sparkles tugged at the sword then ran for the three. Butterfly leaned for a large stick just out of reach, stooping below Sparkles swing. She straightened, then held the stick in front of her, blocking Sparks hits.

"What the hell!!!?!"Butterfly screamed. She wacked the sword out of her hands and kicked Sparkles in the gut, knocking her down.

(And if ya knock knock me over-NOT THIS TIME BIT-)

As She collided with the dirt, the ground began to shake. The trolls looked behind them, Popcorn was crouched behind her rock.

A giant red creature with huge horns and big sharp teeth emerged from the woods. The thing seemed 50 feet tall, a lot larger than any bergan, and had dark black eyes.

"Holy Satan..." Butterfly breathed.

The thing glanced at them...then turned and continued on it's way.

"What the crap was that?" GD asked as soon as the thing was gone.

Butterfly turned to him, "Fuck...what the fuck, not what the- oh my god" she slapped a hand to her forehead.

"Shut up you two! Which way did it go?" Sparkles snapped. Poppy pointed away from them.

"But that's the same was Branch went..." GD added.

The three looked at each other, "FUCK!" They all said in unison.

"See there you go" Butterfly said.

The others ignored her and ran after the creature, leaving Popcorn in her hiding spot.

I'll either continue later or tomorrow.
Hope y'all like it!

The Last Branch ((COMPLETED))Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ