The date!

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A/N: sry I kinda...sorta...forgot to give a swear warning for this story😬.... *nervous laughter* hehe. Well here is a warning for this chapter!⚠️⚠️ Enjoy 😊

   "How long does it take?!" Popcorn asked, "where are we going anyway?". Poppy was covering Popcorn's eyes and leading her to the location. Butterfly was walking with them and recording the whole thing. Popcorn kept hearing her friend vloging the whole situation. "Don't worry" Poppy said, "we're... almost..there!". They stopped and Poppy removed her hands. The first thing Popcorn saw a bright sign that read 'Trollpotle'. Really? They brought me out to dinner. She also saw Branch and... a glittery silver troll wearing a black bow tie. Who was actually pretty gosh darn attractive! "Ooooh!" Butterfly changed her position. It was in between GD and Popcorn. Guy walked towards Popcorn and introduced himself, "Hey! I'm Guy Diamond!" He said in an auto tuned voice. Popcorn blushed. You just know at this point Butterfly is planning on editing this so that it's in slow motion, then add in the song 'Hello' so it looks like a scene from a rom-com.

    Butterfly booty-bumped Popcorn. "Well? Tell em YOUR name!" She said. Popcorn pushed her friend away. "Don't mind her. She's crazy". Guy Diamond chuckled. "I'm Popcorn" she shook GD's hand. He chuckled again, "I've heard". Poppy had walked over to Branch and his arm was around her now. Butterfly secretly pointed the camera at them and zoomed in. Then she turned the camera around and winked.

    Inside the restaurant, the five were seated at a mushroom table. There was a bunch of tables around there's. And the restaurant was outdoors, like all the restaurants in Troll Village. There were colorful lanterns hung around the area in colors of red and orange . Butterfly looked around, "this place reminds me of my mom's kitchen". Everyone laughed at the comment. Butterfly setup the camera so it was directed at Guy Diamond and Popcorn. "So what kinda girls do you like?" Popcorn asked. Huh, Butterfly thought, way to get to the point Pop! "Well, I love music! So there's that" Guy answered. Huh guess guys dig that stuff. I mean who doesn't!?" Popcorn replied, "I actually have preformed around town before!". "Really?" GD asked. "Yea! I sing!". Guy Diamond leaned closer, "I love singing". Oh my gosh, guys! Just kiss already! Just when this was going so perfectly, things took a turn.

Okay, I know nothing about relationship shiz! So this 'flirting' thing is kind hard😂😂

   "Hey Donkay!". Butterfly looked up from her camera and frowned. Everyone looked at the orange troll approaching the table. "Uhhhgg!" Popcorn smashed her face into the table. GD noticed and softly patted her back. Butterfly stood up, "f*ck off Donald!". Everyone's eyes widened at Butterfly's words. Poppy leaned over to Butterfly, "who exactly is he?". Butterfly sat back down, "he's Popcorn's ex" Butterfly face palmed, "let's just say their relationship went down in flames". Poppy nodded in realization, "ohhhhhh". She then squinted at Donald until he notice. Donald stopped pestering Popcorn when saw her. He tensed, "Oh! Your magesty!" He quickly bowed. Poppy then gave him the death stare. "Yeah, soooo... I was just leaving" he then ran out of the restaurant. Everyone looked at Poppy. "What?!" She asked. Everyone laughed again and Branch wrapped his arm around her. "Dude!" Butterfly said, " I forgot that the camera was still running!".  Then food came and everyone ate. Surprisingly the girls where messier than the boys, especially Butterfly. And laughs could be heard from their table the whole night.

  GD grabbed Popcorn's hand, "follow me!" He said smiling. He pulled Pop out her chair and they raced out of the restaurant. Butterfly and Poppy looked at each other, then started squealing. Branch chuckled.

The character Donald is based off of a friend. 'Donkay' is what he would call my other friend to piss her off. And he's obsessed with Donald Trump so....😂


   Meanwhile, outside,  Guy was leading Popcorn to somewhere away from the restaurant. "Where are we going?" Popcorn asked. "It's a surprise!". GD led her up a tree where some troll's pods were. They headed straight to the top. When the got to the top all Popcorn could see was stars. Millions, and millions, of stars! "Whoa..." she said. "Do you like it?" GD asked. Popcorn looked at him, "it's BEAUTIFUL!" She said. Guy Diamond sat on a small branch and watched the stars, Popcorn joined him. The stars were beautiful. Every single one of them! Popcorn felt Guy's arm around her shoulders, she blushed and rested her head on his shoulder. It was perfect.


   Butterfly uploaded her video the next day: She propped up the camera in Poppy's room. "Is it rolling?" She asked herself... "yeah. Okay!" Butterfly rubbed her hands together, "Hey guys iiiit's Butterfly!" She gave her salute. "And today I'm with... you guessed it! Our very own.... Queen... Poppy!". Poppy jumped into the cameras view. The girls sat next to each other and explained the plan to their audience. There was a transition and the screen read: The next day.... "Okay guys it is 7:46 and we were supposed to meet the guys at 7:30 but, we don't think it will be a problem" Butterfly said to the camera.

   Butterfly filmed Poppy covering Popcorn's eyes: "Where are we going anyway?" Popcorn asked. Butterfly started walking backwards. "Don't worry! We're...almost...there!" Poppy said and uncovered Popcorn eyes. Butterfly zoomed in to get her reaction, nothing much. "Ohhh", Butterfly changed position. Then, in slow motion, Guy Diamond walked towards a blushing Popcorn. Then the speed was normal again and while GD introduced himself, 🎵 Hello? Is it me your looking for? I can't see it in your eyes! I can see it in your smile🎵 played as background music. Butterfly edited a heart above their heads.

    The cameras location changed to inside the restaurant. GD and Pop were having a cute conversation when... "Hey donkay!". The screen went black. "F*ck off!" Butterfly's voice said. Except she bleeped out her swearing with a dolphin noise. The cameras went back to their conversation, "Follow me" GD said. The were gone then the screen went black again. The words 'shiz happened' and 'but the date went great!' Appeared on the screen. While background music played. Butterfly's out-tro played. Then there was a blooper of Butterfly secretly filming Poppy and Branch. THEN, the video was over.

Yes... I used a restaurant called Trollpotlé.... ur gonna get a lot more puns like that probably as the story goes on😂

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