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"No, no, no. No. No, no, no!".
"Oh come on, sis. Please!".
"I already told you... no".
    Sparkle threw some herbs into a pot on the stove and wiped her hands on her apron. She rushed around the small kitchen of her pod; Branch followed her.

   Poppy slouched in a chair at the kitchen table, bored. "But this is your handwriting, Sparkles! You had a plan! What happened?" Branch asked. Sparkles stopped what she was doing all together and turned to face Branch. She bit her lip and sighed. "Huh... Branch" she gestured to the table, "sit down".

   Poppy straightened in the chair. Sparkles took a seat across from Poppy and Branch. Sparkles took a deep breath. "I was six...maybe eight. After our parents left and grandma took us in I had this 'master plan', acting like I knew I would find them...".


"Grama? When are mommy and papa coming back?". Rosiepuff looked down at her helpless granddaughter. She gave her a sad smile.

"I'm sorry, Sparks... they're gone"

"Gone?! No! They're not gone" Sparkles exaggerated the word gone, "they're out there. I... I know it". She was confident now and walked away from  grandmother without waiting for her response.

   That night Sparkles waited till her grandmother and brother were asleep. Then she snuck out of her room and stopped in the hallway, the floorboard creaked. She got an idea. Spark knelt down in the hallway. She nudged the board it moved, revealing a small hole in the floor. She grinned.
   Over the next few weeks she started secretly removing the floor boards, one by one. Finally when the hole was big enough, she created a small hatch door and hid it. Now that the entrance was done, she started creating herself a secret hideout. Over the years Sparkles's study grew. And finally, she made up a plan: she would run away, find her parents and most importantly... not tell anyone.
  Sparkles ran away. The next day she was gone. Her grandma searched for her but, she had disappeared.
When Sparkles didn't come back. Rosiepuffs gave up. And sadly soon after that, about a few months, the Bergans took her.


   "But I never found them" Sparkles shook off the trance she seemed to be in. "But, that doesn't matter anymore. Mom and Dad are gone, Branch". Sparkles stood and went back to the kitchen.

"Why stop?" Branch asked, "come with us. Help us find them!" Branch smiled.

"I'm not coming with you!!" Sparkles screamed. A thick silence filled the house. Branch was confused.

"What? Why?!"

"Ima go" Poppy headed for the door.

"Poppy stay!" Branch commanded. Poppy didn't hesitate as she walked back towards her chair. Branch turned back to his sibling, "Sparks... please?".

   Sparkles stopped cooking. She stood there thinking of the matter. She sighed again. She turned. "Ok. Let's do this!". Branch smiled and gave his sister a hug. Surprised, Sparkles chuckled. Poppy joined in (of course). Sparkles smiled and returned the hug.

Haha! Surprise! Branch has a sister! ....

Now you know who Sparkles is. Congratulations!🎊🎉🍾🎈(woohoo)

HERE's YOUR GOD DAMN UPDATE Stuffnthingss43220 !!!
Pardon my French... 🤣

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