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   That night the friends met up at Branch's Bunker. Poppy tried to convince him so they could leave tomorrow but, he wanted to start as soon as possible and this was important to him so Poppy didn't argue.

   It was midnight. Butterfly and Popcorn knocked on the bunker's door. They stood there for about 3 minutes
until someone answered. It was GD.
Popcorn smiled widely and hugged him. Butterfly frowned the slightest bit. After their embrace, Guy offered her a hug. She smiled and gave him one.

   "We're so glad you came!" He said, "Poppy and Branch are inside packing".
The girls nodded and stepped inside.

   "OK. I got my... boots. And where is... ah ha!". Branch raced around his bunker looking for supplies.

   "Are you sure you need all that?" Poppy asked him. A ginormous survival backpack sat on the floor. Branch sighed.

   "Yes, Poppy. I'm positive".

   "Positive about what?".
   Poppy's and Branch's heads turned.

   "Popcorn! Butterfly!" Poppy squealed. The girls set down their bags down in front of themselves. Branch walked towards the others.

   "Thanks so much for helping guys" he said.

"No problem!" Butterfly answered.

"Yea, Branch. We're here for you" added Popcorn. He smiled and nodded. Then went back to packing; Poppy followed.

   Butterfly and Popcorn sat down.

"Sooo..." said Butterfly.

" We just..." Said Popcorn

"Sit here I guess" finished Guy sitting by the girls.

   "When's Sparks getting here?" Poppy interrupted. Branch closed the Back pack.

"Soon" he answered and walked into his room. Then came out with a sleeping bag.

   "Who's Sparks??" Asked Butterfly.
Just then someone knocked on the door.

"I got it" Branch said jogging towards the elevator platform.


      Branch opened the door. A green troll stood in the doorway. Sparkles smiled. Branch did too.

"I'm glad you're here" He said

"So am I" Sparkles answered.

   The siblings made their way to the others. When the friends heard the elevator platform, they stood. Branch and a lime green troll with light purple hair emerged into the room.

"Where's the map" asked Sparkles. They others watched intensively. Branch walked over to his backpack and returned with a scrap of paper. Sparks looked it over.

"Ok. Let's move out!" She said after studying the map.

   Without any questions the rest of the trolls grabbed their bags and backpacks and followed Sparkles out the door. Their journey had begun.

The Last Branch ((COMPLETED))Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang