Old fanfics & A New map

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Before we start...

Honestly.... I have NO idea where the hell this is going so.... it's probably just gonna be effed up cliche adventure  scenarios from here on out guys.... •_•

Anyway! Here we go....

"What do you mean the maps gone?" Butterfly's eyes widened.

"Hey, don't man don't freak out" Popcorn said.

"We're gonna die..." she mumbled in response, "We're gonna frICKEN DIE OUT HERE!! I DON'T WANNA DIE!! THIS IS NOT WHERE I WANT TO DIE!! THIS IS NOT HOW WANTED IT TO END!!" Butterfly ranted shaking her friend by the shoulders.

"Whoa, Butterfly calm down" Sparkles interjected, "We're not that far from Burgen Town I'm sure- "

"Oh! Well then. Follow me" Butterfly said grabbing her stuff and walking off.

"Did anyone catch what just happened?" Branch asked.


It wasn't that late when they had stopped to build the fire, and Burgen Town was lively as... well, as it could be. (Lively mostly means every building had a light on but one or two bergans were out and about.)

Butterfly stopped not too far through the gates of the city.

"Problem?" Asked Poppy.

"Now was it the top of the troll tree or...the top of a building?... No, no,no wait..." Butterfly muttered.

"Bet chu we're lost" Branch whispered to poppy who responded with an aggressive nudge from her elbow.
(Mmmm *words*)

"We're not lost, Branch. Well..." Butterfly responded, trailing off.

"Oh! I just remembered that I put her address in my address book!" Butterfly rummaged through her hair.

"No" she grabbed a sketchbook.
"No" she pulled out a notebook.
"Nope" a golf club.
"Na" a bike tire.
"Oh that's where it went" a gold medal.
"I don't know what this is" a book titled
'The Last Branch'. Must be old fanfiction, she thought.

"Ah! Here it is!"

   Butterfly pulled out a small leather bound book. The string holding it shut was short and frayed and it had a few scratches, she had clearly had it for a long time.

   She flipped through the book until finally stopping at a certain page.
"Hmm. Top branches of the troll tree. Purple and blue pod. Got it!" Butterfly put the book(and the others items) back then continued, "follow me!" She said leading the way.


Knock, knock, knock

"It's pretty late Butterfly. Maybe she's sleeping" Sparkles commented.

"Oh she's up... trust me" Butterfly responded.

"And how do you know???" Asked Sparkles. Butterfly sighed. Embarrassed at what she was about to do.

"Yo Map 'n ator! It's paper crane, open up!".

"Map 'n ator?" Asked Branch, amused.

"Paper...Crane?" Continued Popcorn.

"Don't worry about it..." Butterfly said through gritted teeth.

   A series of locks began to unlock from behind the closed door. The doorway finally became clear and a pale colored        troll was standing in the middle of it.

"I need your help" Butterfly told her. The new troll glanced around at the others.

"Hm... crowds... not really my thing but, not matter! Please, come in!".

   The pod seemed a lot bigger from the inside. High ceilings, cool gadgets, lots of glass... A big telescope was set up in the corner of the room and maps were all over the walls.

"Now, what is it you need paper crane?"

Popcorn chuckled. Butterfly shot her a glare.

"We need a map to sunshine gorge" Sparkles interjected.

Atlas nodded(Her names Atlas by the way....Writing!!), "I've got just the thing" she ducked into the drawers of her desk and returned with a small sheet of paper in a plastic sleeve, "this should work. People come to me with requests for that area all the time" Atlas said handing Sparkles the map. She nodded,

"Thank you".

"My pleasure" she paused, "glitter man if you could not touch anything that would be lovely, I just dusted" she said organizing some papers.

    GD slowly back away from a huge globe on the other side of the room.

"Welp, alright lets get going" Sparkles said clearing her throat. The others followed.

"Thank you Atlas" Butterfly said before joining the others.

I'm gonna end it there. I'll continue later. (I'm not saying soon this time cuz I said that in the last chapter and THATDIDNTHAPPENN!! SoO)

*AhEm* Anyways...
I didn't know much about ur character so I improvised. Hope y'all enjoyed the chap!

The Last Branch ((COMPLETED))Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu