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   Branch paced back and forth in front of Poppy who was trying to tell him something. "So we planned the whole thing! Ya know... considering what happened" Poppy chuckled, "Branch? Are you listening to me?". Branch looked up, "huh? Oh. Yea, sry" He scratched the back of his head. Poppy stood up, "Branch? Is everything ok?". Poppy paced towards him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Why didn't she tell me?" He mumbled to himself. "Branch?". He looked up, more quickly than expected. Branch pulled Poppy close and kissed her passionately. Poppy eyes widened then fluttered close. Branch broke the kiss, "okay. So I'm NOT hallucinating!". Poppy blushed, "are you okay?" She chuckled. Branch turned around to face Poppy, he had tears in his eyes. "Branch?!" Poppy asked, "seriously, what going on?". "Poppy" He said, "I need to tell you something".


   "Favorite song?". "Count on me". "Okay... um, favorite artist?" . "Taylor Swift". "No way! Me too!". The new couple was spending some time together. But according to Butterfly, they were spending a little TOO much time together.

See, I told u.... its the next day and they're basically already a couple 😂

"What's your favorite food? Oh, peanut butter! What's your favorite artist, meh meh meh, omg no why me too!" Butterfly said mocking them. They paid no attention to her. Butterfly sat up off the ground, "ya know, if you guys were just gonna talk the whole time. Why did you invite me over?!". The two stopped, mid-conversation. "Excuse me" Popcorn said walking over to her friend. "What do you want?!" Popcorn whispered. "To go home!" Butterfly snapped. "Look I'm sorry. I'll meet up with you later, okay?". Butterfly scowled, "fine".  Butterfly got up and left the pod. "Are you two okay?" GD asked, "cuz I don't want to get in the way of your friendship". Popcorn smiled, "that's sweet but, don't worry she's just grumpy". "Huh. Sounds like Branch" Guy said, making Popcorn laugh.


   "So I've just been really... confused lately" Branch sniffled. Poppy hugged him,"Don't worry, we can figure this out". "Why didn't she tell me Poppy?! Why would she say that they died when they are wandering around clearly alive!?!". Poppy stepped back, "I'm sorry Branch but, I really don't have the answers your looking for! When your parents disappeared, I wasn't even born yet!" She yelled. "Well JEEZ POPPY! Don't get all mad! You don't get it my parents are out there somewhere!! I thought they DIED!" Branch turned his back to Poppy embarrassed, "you don't know how terrible it felt to have your own friend tell you your parents are dead" a tear fell down his cheek. What happened next was unexpected, slowly, the color started fading from Branch's hair.

   Before Poppy could run help her soulmate, a familiar voice called out from behind her. "NOOOOO!!!". Poppy turned around to see a pink troll with a video camera in her hand. "Butterfly! How long have you been sitting there?!" Poppy asked Branch turned around. Butterfly stood up off the floor, "practically the whole argument" she said. "Oh-oh-oh you heard.... everything?" Branch shed more tears. Butterfly nodded. Poppy turned around to see Branch crying again. His colors were fading fast! Poppy went to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked into his watery eyes, "Branch," she didn't care that Butterfly was most likely filming them, "when I said WE can figure this out, I meant you and me." Branch looked at Poppy then captured her in a big hug, his colors returning. Poppy giggled. Dang it! I thought they were gonna kiss!Butterfly thought to herself, oh well. Guess pepé's gonna have to wait a little longer for that video. Butterfly turned off the camera and walked over to Poppy and Branch, "ya know if you want some help?" The two looked at her, "I'd be happy to" Butterfly finished. "Thank you, Butterfly" Branch said, then gave her hug as well. Butterfly was shocked at first but, she then sweetly returned the embrace.

   "So where exactly ARE your parents?" Butterfly asked. "That's the thing! I don't know" he answered. "Maybe we can get Popcorn's diary some how and see if it says where they went" Poppy suggested. Butterfly answered right away, "no, too risky" she thought for a moment then snapped her fingers, "I got it!".

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