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   "I can't believe you saw Branch and Poppy today! How come you never told me that you were friends with Branch?! He's like a CELEBRITY!". Butterfly's questions poured over Popcorn. Popcorn had met up with her friend Butterfly for lunch and told her about earlier. "Well I wouldn't call him a CELEBRITY." Popcorn answered, "more like an old lonely man who's lived in a hole his whole life". Popcorn smiled. They both cracked out laughing. "The sad thing is that's actually true!" Butterfly said in between laughs. The two continued their meeting and after Popcorn asked, "Hey Butterfly?". "What?". "Wanna come with me back to Branch's place? I need to unpack". Butterfly's eyes widened. "Oh my gosh! Really?!" She said. "Yea! Come on!" Popcorn replied. She grabbed her friends hand and ran to Branch's bunker on the other side of town.

   "Thanks for helping me Poppy" Branch said carrying blankets and pillows to Popcorn's room. "I haven't used the guest bedroom room in awhile". Poppy smiled carrying more blankets behind Branch. "No problem!". They set down the blankets when they heard a crash coming from the main room. They looked at each other and ran.


   "Okay they're distracted!" Butterfly whispered. "Great! Got your camera ready?" Popcorn asked. Butterfly gave a thumbs up and turned on the camera. She began talking to it, "Hey guys! It's Butterfly" She said giving a salute. "So today I'm here with Popcorn and we're pulling a prank!" She turned the camera towards her friend, Popcorn waved. Then walked towards Butterfly. "Now your probably wondering, 'who are we pulling the prank on?'". She moved out of view. "That's right! Captions don't lie! Today we are are pulling a prank on Queen Poppy and her friend Branch!". She gave the camera to Popcorn, "care to explain, Pop?". Popcorn nodded, "you bet, Butterfly! Ok, so, right now we're currently in Branch's bunker and what we're gonna do is I'm gonna knock over this book shelf and run to hide where Butterfly will be filming the whole thing!" She pointed the camera at Butterfly hiding under a desk. "Branch and Poppy will come see what happen and while there distracted," she moved towards a shelf covered by curtains, "I'll run over here and knock out this cabinet's contents, which are actually-". Branch and Poppy came and got more blankets, Popcorn hid. When they were gone she kept going, "which are actually, some 'certain invitations'" she winked, "that Branch doesn't want Poppy knowing about". She turned off the camera and gave it back to Butterfly. "Okay, you ready" Popcorn asked. Butterfly nodded and held up the camera. Popcorn used all her strength and pushed the shelf over.


   Poppy and Branch ran into the main room to see a fallen book shelf. "What happened?" Poppy asked. Branch shrugged and ran to the shelf, Poppy followed. "On the count of three" Branch said, "one" they picked up the shelf, "two... three!". They pushed the shelf back up. They knelt down to pick up the stuff that fell off the shelf when they heard another noise. They looked to there left to see a bunch of colorful papers all over the floor. Branch's eyes widened, he ran to the invitations. Poppy was confused, "what are those?" She asked. Branch quickly tried to pick them up and shove them back on the shelf but, they kept falling out of his hands and then some of them started making noise. Poppy stood up and walked over to Branch. She picked up one of the invitations. Branch shoved the invitations away and turned around. He saw Poppy looking at one of the invites and flinched. Poppy looked up.... and ran to hug him. Branch blushed.


   "Awww! Butterfly are you getting this?!" Popcorn whispered from their hiding spot. Butterfly nodded. "Come on let's ruin the moment!" Popcorn whispered. Butterfly frowned, "what?! Why?".  "I dunno. We just...haven't pulled the pranks yet". Butterfly raised and eyebrow, "fine". Popcorn yelled out from the desk, "come on Branch! Hug your girlfriend!". Branch and Poppy turned around to see Popcorn and a troll with a video camera crawl out from under the desk. They both tensed then blushed. "Is that camera filming?" Branch asked. "Yep!" Butterfly said handing it to Popcorn, "so that's it for today's video! I really hoped you liked it! Don't forget to like this video and subscribe to my channel and I'll see you guys later!" She covered the camera lens with her hand. Popcorn pretend to turn off the camera and sat it on the desk. They thought that doing this would get them some good bloopers.

   "Popcorn WHAT are you doing?!" Branch asked, agitated, "and who is this?". Poppy, confused, stepped towards Butterfly. "Have we met before?" She asked. Butterfly wildly kept herself from squealing, "Yeah actually! My name's Butterfly! You were on one of my vlogs!". Poppy snapped her fingers, "ohhh right! You have a vlog!". Butterfly smiled, "well nice to see you again!". "You know her?!" Branch asked. Poppy turned around "you don't?!" Popcorn and Poppy said at the same time. Butterfly smiled. Branch stepped back like the words exploded out of the girls mouths. Butterfly walked over to Branch, "I'm Butterfly!" She said sticking out her arm. Branch shook her hand. After that Butterfly couldn't take it anymore. "Excuse me for a second" she said and ran into Popcorn's room. This is what the others heard: "OH MY GOSH I CANT BELIEVE I JUST MET BRANCH! AND I SAW POPPY AGAIN! IS THIS A DREAM?!" She paused, "Ow! Ok DEFINITELY NOT a dream!" Then there was a series of high pitched squeals. "Ok Butterfly, be cool, be cool". She then came back into the room. "Sup" she said. Everyone just burst out laughing.

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