Secret Feelings

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   "If you live in the same village, why do you have to stay with me?" Branch ask Popcorn as the walked to her pastel pink pod. Popcorn tensed. She quickly thought up a lie to tell him, "what?! I can't just stay with my friend at his house for a couple of days? My house gets lonely sometimes... and you should know". "Hey!" Branch gently punched Popcorn's shoulder. "I'm just kidding!" She said. They smiled and looked at each other. Branch's eyes were a beautiful blue and Popcorn's a nice shade of hazel. Oh, who am I kidding!Popcorn thought, Poppy's eyes are probably way easier to get lost in then mine. "Is this it?" Branch asked, ruining the 'moment'. Popcorn looked up, "oh yea. That's it". Branch walked ahead to her pod. Popcorn sighed, I guess it wasn't meant to be. She jogged to catch up with Branch.


   "Branch?" Poppy opened the door to Branch's bunker. She looked around, no Branch. "Honey? Are home?" Poppy asked going to the elevator platform. She pulled the lever and was lowered down into the bunker. "Branch!!" She called out... no response. "Huh, guess he's not home". A bright glittering piece of paper caught her eye. Poppy walked towards the paper. It was a note. The note read:


   Popcorn needed some help at her pod on the other side of town. I'll be back soon! I love you

                                     Branch ❤️

   "Awww Branch! Always so sweet" Poppy said to herself. "Poppy!". Poppy turned around, "Branch?". She saw Butterfly step off the elevator platform and rid towards Poppy. She was out of breath. "Butterfly?!" Poppy said, "what wrong? Did something happen?". Butterfly took a deep breath, "we gotta problem!". Poppy raised an eyebrow, "we? Is Popcorn with you?". Butterfly was still breathing heavily. She shook her head, "no... she's the problem!".


   Popcorn's pod was divided into two parts a small living area and her bedroom. "Alright," Popcorn said, " Ima go get something outta my room. YOU can stay out here. It'll only take second". Branch nodded and looked around. He saw an open book on a small table. Hmmm? What's this? he thought. The way the book was open Branch could only see the text, not the cover. He leaned over the book and read the page.

   'Huh, ok. Today is the day! I'm going to Branch's house'! Cool, there's a character named Branch! 'As you know from previous entrees, I have been hiding my feelings for Branch a long time. Well today's the day! I'm finally gonna tell Branch how I feel! *deep breaths* wish me luck.
                                        ~Popcorn '

   Wait a minute. What IS this?! Branch flipped over the book. 'DIARY', do not read?! ,it said. "Shit!" Branch said a little louder than he intended. He covered his mouth with his hand. "Branch? Is everything ok?" Popcorn asked from her room. "Uhhhh... yea! I...just remembered... I... didn't" Branch face palmed. Popcorn chuckled, "your such a dork!". Branch smiled. Butterfly suddenly walked in through the front door, "hey Pop..." she saw Branch out of the corner of her eye. "Branch?". "Shhh!" Branch whispered holding a finger to his lips. Butterfly nodded, "what are you doing here?" She whispered. "Look I need a favor from you!". "Yeees?". "Can you go get Poppy for me?". Butterfly smirked, "and why is-". Branch held up the book and pointed at the sentence where Popcorn wrote about her feelings for him. "What are you doing with her dia........ ohhhhh". Her eyes widened, "This is terrible!". "Just go get Poppy okay!" Branch pointed to the door. Butterfly nodded and left.

   Branch looked back down at the book and a certain word caught his eye: Autumn. That was his mothers name! He read the page,

Today something strange happened. Branch's parents, Autumn and Stumpy, asked me to keep a secret: Autumn told me they were going away, far. Away.  I'm confused still. They said that Branch should never know where they are going. But the strange part is they told me to tell, their OWN SON, that they had a unfortunate accident and died som-

   "Branch?" Popcorn asked walking out of her room. Branch quickly stepped away from the book. "Were you talking to someone?". "No just... to ma dork self" He swung his arm back and forth in front of himself. Popcorn raised her eyebrow, "whatever! Come on let's go" she said walking outside. My parents are alive?! Why didn't they tell me? Branch thought, more importantly, why didn't POPCORN tell me what they told her?

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