Chapter 19

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Waking up snuggled against Rye, is pretty nice. Peering down I realised the other boys had begun packing, Meg whined "Please do it quietly boys,"

"Yeah otherwise you'll wake Liv and Rye," Maddie said.

Rye tightened his grip round my waist and whispered "Morning Livia," Liv is generally what people call me, but sometimes I get called Livia too, and god when Rye says it...I'm gone.

"Is Skye awake yet?" Andy asked from his place on the sofa.

I chuckled "No she's not."

Maddie winced "Sorry guys,"

"Don't worry, I woke up before the racket haha," I smiled as me and Rye sat up.

I raised a brow "Kat asleep still?"

"No," Kat laughed moving so I could see her, "I'm trolling Skye's twitter so she gets loads of tweets telling her to wake up when she's awake."

Meg sighed "Weirdo."

"Thanks Meg," Kat grinned.

Blair came in "Andy you have packing to do."

"Skye's asleep." he smiled, "and my some of my stuff is where she is."

Blair raised a brow and he said "Maddie, get Andy's stuff, if Skye wakes up then she can go run an errand for me in Violet."

I smiled as Blair called the car by its name, Maddie shrugged and standing up she poked Skye, Andy rolled his eyes "Blair didn't tell you to poke her till she wakes up."

"No I'm improvising," Maddie giggled, "morning sleepyhead."

"Piss off Mads." Skye grumbled.

Maddie looked at me "I think you and Liv switched, Miss Grumpypants."

"What do you wants Mads?" Skye grumbled.

Maddie smiled "Andy needs to pack his stuff and Blair said that when you're up he has an errand for you to run in Violet."

"BLAIR!" Skye yelled, a laughing Blair came in, he said "I do actually need you to run an errand."

Skye growled "Which is?"

"Can you go pick up Jack's laptop? Since its been fixed." Blair asked.

Skye's eyes narrowed to slits and getting down she said "Fine but I'm not saying when I'll be back or what else I'm buying."

"Here Skye," Blair passed her what looked like £60, "I know you were up during the night."

I raised a brow at that. Skye winced "Yeah, and it sucks."

She went to the bathroom. Meg looked at us all "I didn't hear her."

"She went in the kitchen," Blair said, "I know because I went to the kitchen at 4am and she was there on the floor reading. She'd been up since 2am, I don't think she went back to sleep till 5am though."

Andy got up and said "Skye? You ok?"

"Peachy," she snapped coming back in, she was ready and my eyes widened. I said "Umm Skye, you know how you were up during the night?"

"What about it Liv," Skye mumbled grabbing her bag, I winced "Cramps?"

She looked up at me and she chuckled "Bingo, hence me being a Tasmanian devil,"

"You should of woken me," Andy said going over and hugging her, she smiled "Why, then neither of us would have slept well, plus I'm driving the girls when we leave."

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