Chapter 21 (prt 2)

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Recap ~(Kat POV)

Kelsy sighed "Skye do pipe down, or at least yell quietly, me and the girls are trying to plan a birthday get together."

"I don't want a fucking get together," Skye growled, "my friends are already here Kelsy and no offence but you're not my siblings and you may act like it but it doesn't change that I'm an only child. Always have been and always will be since my parents are gonna get a divorce soon or later. I wanted people to forget about my birthday because I don't feel like celebrating. And you can't fucking make me!" 


I stared at her eyes wide, Liv said softly "You've been storing that anger for a while every time I asked about your parents and you said they were fine..."

"I lied." Skye seethed, "because I don't need the pity Liv, I don't need the sympathy I want to punch someone or something and scream endlessly. Instead I shut down and act like its all fine...this is my storm. So plan what you want Kelsy, but I am not going."

I said quietly "You could have said something to us,"

"Remember me saying about its what's not said?" Skye said quietly the fire and rage in her eyes made me shiver, "I don't speak every thought, I don't tell every secret. My coffin is buried so deep I never looked back when I left back. I have a broken family because of things that were said and can't be taken back. And some breaks are so severe Kat, nothing can heal them...ever."

She moved past the others and left.

"She needs to talk," Kelsy sighed, Maddie sighed "She won't, she'll clam up."

Meg was about to say something when Skye reappeared, grabbing her camera, she shoved it in her bag. I stared at her "If you think you're going out, now, you got another thing coming."

Skye said nothing but I knew she could hear me, I said "Skye come on, I know your angry, pissed off and ready to verbally assault someone anyone right now, I know because I do that to Morgan and Kaleb. Usually I feel better after it, but you walking away isn't gonna make you feel better. It'll let it simmer, boil and you'll either explode or the streets of a place we don't know."

"At least I can cry and people won't know who the fuck I am." she muttered.

Meg mumbled "Stop swearing, just cause you're angry."

"I'll swear if I fucking want to Meg." Skye snapped and yeah, Meg was gonna get it if she didn't shut up. Skye is so complicated, almost like the sea she could be calm, breezy and warm inviting and you feel safe at home, relaxed. In an instance she can make you feel uneasy, fumbling for the right words as she becomes a storm that will chop you. Liv, Maddie and I have both dealt with this side of her, and judging from the boys she's never in the 3 years of knowing them lost it in front of them.

Maddie said "Skye put the bag down, you're not going anywhere but your room or this room."

"You can't trap me in this building Maddie." Skye growled. Did I mention that when she's angry her usual look of kindness is replaced by one of raw anger and often it scares the shit out of people.

Liv laughed hollowly "You'll thank us for it later. So you family's broken and you've been lying about it for years, but that doesn't mean you're gonna break down too. Because in all the years I've known you, you've never let something break you apart. No guy, nothing...don't start now."

"Done now are we Olivia?" Skye snapped as she shouldered her bag.

Liv narrowed her eyes "Do not make this any harder than it has to be, I will tackle you to the floor and we three will make sure you can't leave."

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