Arrival at Snape's Cramped House

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   Severus arrived at the Dursley's doorstep just before sunset.

The beefiest of the family who bore a bloated face a deep shade of purple scowled at him and shouted,"Get the hell out of my house!"

Severus gave him a dark glance before opening the door of the cupboard under the stairs.

Harry was curled up in the cramped area, pale and sickly as ever.

Severus said to him in his softest voice (Which still had a hint of sharpness to it),"It's alright,I won't hurt you. I'm here to rescue you from this horrid place."

Harry looked up at him warily and his mouth widened the slightest as if he was about to speak.Then he quickly covered his mouth and continued sobbing.

How odd. "What's wrong, Harry?"

He was interrupted with  Vernon Dursley stomping over with a massive baseball bat. Severus carefully scooped Harry up and apparated away.

Harry was still snivelling when they reached Severus's address. 'Welcome to my humble abode,' He said to no one in particular, feeling rather embarrassed of the state of his residence.

He almost dropped the child in his arms when he felt skin on his arm tear. The Death Mark.

Severus frowned. Why did Voldemort always choose the worst time possible to host a meeting? A prime example would be last time, when the almighty Dark Lord chose the exact moment when Severus was having one of his rare showers.

He doubted Lucius would've forgotten the sight of residue shampoo on his head.   "Clobby!"

The house elf appeared, her head slightly bowed. Severus told her to tend to Harry, who had stopped crying and was currently preoccupied with staring at Clobby's flappy ears.

At Malfoy Manor where Voldemort usually set up his meetings, The Dark Lord was giving another speech,

"Onto the topic of Harry Potter: I have read the prophecy throughly, and have thought of a masterful idea. Instead of killing Potter,why don't we make him an ally?

The prophecy states that he could possibly be the most powerful wizard one day. If we are combined as a force,we could definitely defeat the light side.From what I hear, Severus has custody of the boy as of right now."

Severus nodded and said,"That is a perfect idea,my Lord.Let us try it."

It was amusing that Dumbledore still thought that he was a loyal spy for the light side. The whole thing was utterly hilarious. The light side was doomed to fail.

Harry was sleeping when Severus came home. It was time to begin his first dreaded deed.

He managed to cover his head and face with his hood, and was painfully aware that it made him look like a dementor trying to shop at 'Flora's Baby Goods'.

Sacrifices had to be made, however. He loaded a bag with an Engorgio charm up with baby products, so he didn't have to risk another trip to the stuffy Diagon Alley soon.

The thought of bumping into a fellow Death Eater was enough to give him shivers.

Harry was already awake at his house. Severus didn't know how the boy was willing to trust such a strange looking man like himself that quickly.

Severus took advantage of that and tried questioning the child. But when he started speaking Harry's eyes widened in panic, and he hastily scurried behind a dusty cushion.

It was not until Severus lowered his voice to a ridiculously soft and soothing voice that Harry finally mumbled some unintelligible words.

Severus repeated the questions a few times, but the frightened boy could barely utter a word.

After many failed attempts, Severus gave up and emptied his bag.

Harry giggled and pointed at a stuffed snake that fell out. Severus gave it to him and he put it around his neck, still giddy.

He never thought one day there would be a child in his house, much less a smiling one. But there Harry was, living proof that Severus could make a toddler content.

Ridiculous as it was, Severus looked back at him with the smallest of beams.

And he found bright green eyes staring intently back.

Author's Edit: Fixed sentence structures, spaced things out and changed some words. No major plot changes. Also removed the damned machine gun because I have no idea why I added that in the first place. You cannot legally get a machine gun in England. Don't attempt it. Please.

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