Meeting the dark lord

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A/N:Thanks for the support! Love you all, enjoy the chapter!

Harry shuffled nervously in his trainers, his eyes shifting to Severus's own ones before him.

His jiggly nerves couldn't possibly beat Severus', however.

He was scheduled to bring Harry along to the weekly meeting, and he had grown quite attached to the boy. It wouldn't be good if Voldemort got mad at his stubbornness and murdered him in the process.

He checked the clock on his wall, held the quivering boy's hand, and separated away to Malfoy Manor. Just in time.

The Death Eaters, thankfully with their ridiculous masks off, were at their usual positions. Notably there was an empty seat next to the frightened blond boy beside Lucius- His son.

Perhaps it was Voldemort's queer way of comforting Harry in this new situation.

The infamous Dark Lord took his place at the very front throne, his vile snake around his neck.

"Severus, Lucius, I see you've brought your offspring. Draco, and of course, Harry Potter.'

Harry looked up at Voldemort, still slightly intimidated, understandably. The slits that replaced Voldemort's nose and his bald, grey head could be unnerving for a young child.

But Harry furrowed his brows as he focused on The Dark Lord's face, and hatred clouded the boy's emerald eyes.

"Wait, I recognize you! You're that horrible person who killed my parents! I hate you! Go away!' Harry shouted.

Severus was horrified at Harry's outburst. Surely they were done for, at the hands of the merciless Dark Lord.

But Voldemort actually smiled, the rarest of occasions.

"No,Harry. I think you'll cooperate if I show you this. Crabbe, open the door."

The dimwitted man revealed Voldemort's prepared surprise as he waddled to the door.

James Potter and Sirius Black strode arrogantly into the room like they used to a decade ago. Many eyes widened, especially Harry's. His jaw fell to the ground.

Voldemort beckoned them forwards.

They sat, giving Severus lazy grins as Voldemort explained,

"When I set off to kill the Potters, Sirius and James were there as well as Evans.

As I raised my wand,they told me they wanted to be Death Eaters.I was extremely taken aback. Black was destined to be part of them, it was in his blood. But Potter, the bright light of Dumbledore's side, joining me?
The irony was laughable.

I went over and killed Evans, as a test. Would Potter break his facade? But that didn't happen. James Potter was grateful to be relieved of 'That bitch', in his own words.

She was just a pawn to anger Severus , his mortal enemy. Potter had explained.
Finding the pair intriguing, I agreed to bring them back for a loyalty examination, but Dumbledore interrupted by apparating into the house right when we were about to leave.

His attack rendered Potter and Black helpless. They fled, barely alive. I came back alone. Defeating Dumbledore wasn't a feat I could perform just yet.'

After the long explanation, the Death Eaters nodded in understanding.

But Severus was pissed.

James Potter had spent his whole time at Hogwarts fighting for Lily with him. And the asshole had succeeded in winning her over! In a moment of fury Severus' tongue slipped and he called her a Mudblood.  He regretted that for the rest of his life.

She left him behind, choosing to leave willingly with her best friend's bully.

By then, Severus could do nothing but shake his fist at cruel fate. But he bitterly gave up, hoping she would be happy with Potter.

Now, Potter was saying she was just a pawn for his own sake?

She was killed, all because of Potter.

Kicking his chair over, Severus stormed out of the hall. He couldn't bear seeing Potter and Voldemort's amused faces.

Right before the door shut he could hear James Potter chuckling.


Harry simply couldn't believe his eyes. His father was sitting beside him,  in the flesh.

James Potter noticed him staring, and waved hello. He didn't seem to register his son's expression of shock.

Voldemort continued,' Malfoy, arrange a meeting between your family and Severus'. I wish for Draco to befriend Harry. Both are vital assets to our success.'

Harry ignored the words, still in wonder. It was his real father, James Potter's messy jet black hair and firm facial structure he had inherited.

The meeting was dismissed shortly after. A stern wizard with blonde shoulder length hair ushered him and his own son, Draco, away.

He barely noticed the absence of the man who had raised him all those years, when he followed the family of his past home.

A/N: Basically rewrote the whole thing. Should be easier to read now.

Next chapter would be the sleepover!

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