Revenge is sweet.

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A few weeks later, Severus managed to put Harry into bed early. At last, it was time to carry out his recent plans.

The whole time, he couldn't get the horrible image of the villainous Dursleys standing around the pale boy, cackling. It made his blood boil.

That night he silently apparated into 4 Privet Drive. For the last time, he vowed.

The quality of the house had decreased tremendously since his last visit. It was as if the Dursley's didn't know how to do housework, and had relied on Harry before.

Pictures of Dudley Dursley were everywhere. One showed the fat boy buried in Christmas presents, looking smug. Another had Dudley reading a book. Upside down.

He wondered why there were such embarrassing photos on display in the house. He would be humiliated to have such a ridiculous boy as his son.

The clock hit midnight. Vernon Dursley waddled out, clad in a violet dressing gown. His sleep-filled eyes brimmed with panic when he caught sight of Severus.

'You again! Haven't I told you to fuck off? I'll call the police, oh I will.'

Severus slid up to him, relishing the fat walrus's flinch. Channelling his deadly soft voice, he spoke to the man beside him,
'What would a troop of muggles do against a wizard?'

He struck Dursley with his first curse. The screams were loud and piercing."Silencio!"Severus hissed as Petunia and Dudley Dursley rushed out.

'You!' There was recognition and pure hatred on the woman's hard face. She didn't even spare a glance to her husband on the ground, however.

Ignoring her, Severus flicked his wand and sent flailing spiders down Vernon's wailing throat. Dudley couldn't even comprehend what was going on, and could only stand there mouth agape.

Many curses later, Dursley's twitching halted, and he lay there, stone cold.

Dudley was astonished beyond words. He padded over, fell to his knees, and prodded his father's face which was slowly fading of colour.

Yet somehow shallow breathing returned to the body. Dudley breathed out a sigh of relief.

Most likely his father owed him 20 pounds for his birthday.

Petunia and Severus' eyes met. She had a cool air around her, and managed to keep eye contact with him for quite a while.

She finally opened her previously pursed lips,'You'll have to clean all this up.' She pointed towards the toppled chairs and puddles of blood.

With a snap of his fingers everything was put back into place, and the entire room seemed cleaner than before. Petunia's lips curled in distaste, and Severus was recalled to her snarky comments about magic in the past.

A knock on the door. It was probably one of the nosy neighbours of Privet Drive.

Petunia Dursley wasn't known for her liking to commotion, so she shot Severus another glare and dragged her unconscious husband away.

Severus was greeted by the lit up face of a child when he returned home. He didn't realise his trip took the whole night. He barely registered his fatigue, but the load of it hit him then.

But when his mind went through what happened right now, he was brought straight back to his childhood, and his vile father...

"Boy!Come back right now!'The drunk Tobias Snape yelled, an empty bottle of wine clutched in his meaty fist.

One simple Levicorpus would make that ugly beast cry out with fear. Yet magic was banned outside school.

Tobias gripped hold of his shirt collar, and started unbuckling his belt.

Severus sobbed throughout the incident.Finally,Tobias let go, satisfied, and Severus ran, locking himself in his room.

He yearned for Lily. Her hugs, reassurances, just her presence...but Lily wasn't there. She was at Hogwarts.He would be too,but he had to be with his mother when she died.

But was it really worth it? To be there with a weak woman who let him be beaten and raped in her final moments?

He was all alone.

//End of flashback//

Lily Evans...with her smooth red hair and bright green eyes that were visible on Harry.

And she was dead... all because of that asshole Dumbledore.  He treated her as a disposable thing, like she was replaceable, when she was his world, his everything.

His mind was still flooding with memories of Lily when sleep took over.

A/N: Edits: I removed a lot of rubbish, made Petunia less of a fragile person and now I have to change the maturity rating because it's maturing.

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