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A/N:Oof my chapters are cringey...anyways,enjoy my cringey stuff,voting is optional,and ima just try to make my chapters less cringey.Yes,don't judge my new name.

'Severus,bring the boy back.He has finished training.Maybe one day he can join our attacks.'Voldemort's thin mouth curled into a smirk.

Furious yet unable to control this situation,Severus quietly nodded,inwardly fuming at the snake before him.
'Severus,you're dismissed.And no,Avery,you and the others stay'The man turned beet red as he sat back down.

Apparating back with the weak,broken boy who fainted in his arms,Severus set him in his bed,realising he missed his seventh birthday.Glancing at the bloody Harry Potter,he closed the door behind him,trying to pretend the cheerful greetings will arrive when Harry wakes.

Gritting his teeth the whole time,James Potter waited for the dismissal,and instantly apparated to Snape's house.
The black clothed man was sitting by the dining table,having fell asleep,with a photo album open.

James walked over.Noticing the cheerful,laughing boy on the photos.Also seeing a weird snake toy on the floor,he suddenly remembered the snake Harry always brought to the meetings.Venenum it was called.Where was it?The cursed snake had survived while the poor griffin hadn't.Feeling an unknown rage towards Snape surge up inside him,he woke the man up with a snap,'Where's my son?'

Groaning,Severus awoke at the angry person above him.'He's in his room.'He snapped back.Why was he so furious?It wasn't like it was James who neglected and abused was Voldemort,and no one could condo anything without him brutally murdering them.

Slight mumbles came from the room.Glaring at each other,the two fathers rushed towards Harry and ripped open the door.And there he was,the boy with the bright green eyes,now Avada Kedrava green.He was always looking into the air,they realised.Something was wrong.

'Harry?Harry,do you recognise us?'
He looked up at them,then looked away.
'We won't hurt you.'
He looked up again'Who...who are you?'

James Potter had never been so mad.
'It's your father,Harry!What had the Dark Lord done?
Severus Snape had already left the room,in search of something that might help Harry regain his memories.Picking the toy snake up,he remembered the first day.It was the snake that made Harry trust him.

James sat down,agitated.What was happening with Harry's mind?Severus was back,holding the snake that was on the floor.
'See this,Harry?It was your favourite toy.'
Something clicked in place.Harry blinked and held the toy.
Looking disbelievingly,James saw Harry slowly smile,and clutched the toy in his hand.
But what he said made Severus gape in surprise.

The Dark Prince (MAJOR EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now