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A/N:Ya it's insane,the gaps.

'Avada Kedrava'

Voldemort nodded in approval as another muggle was killed.The boy was a good addition to their army.
Dumbledore was going to lose,no way they could beat this boy.
Harry was broken.Too many Crucio's and torture.All day long.Avada Kedrava.

Dumbledore sent a letter to the ministry.He needed to have full power to forward his plan.Fudge needed to resign.
Hinting it in his letter,word passed on and the public yelled for Fudge to resign and let Albus Dumbledore be minister.Dumbledore smiled warmly and told Fudge he had a choice,while knowing the air-head cake name didn't.

Avada Kedrava.Avada Kedrava.Avada Kedrava.Again and again.Thats all that's stuck in Harrys mind.Where was he from?Avada Kedrava.Who are his parents?Avada Kedrava.Severus.Severus?Harry tried to remember who that was.He had a relationship,a special one,with that man.

Sirius and James yelled.Mcgonagall,who looked deeply worried,paused to wrinkle her nose at the flying spit.'Harry is missing.'
The death eaters knew,but Mcgonagall didn't.She wanted to find the boy.Knowing about his abuse,she tried to stop,to adopt Harry,but Snape,evil Snape,took him.

Sighing in unison,James and Sirius wished to see the bright eyed boy,that glared at them often.Not knowing that happy soul was gone.

Severus was depressed.He had a dark secret.The reason of him feeling the world was over when Harry was sent to The Dark Lord.Harry was his second chance.He used to have a bright eyed child too.Lily's child.One that was his.Not James',but his own.That boy was his sun.Going home,the only thing that mattered was Libra.The young cheerful boy that greeted Severus as 'Old Bat'.Also gone.Killed by Voldemort himself.Harry was his second chance.Another cheerful boy,one that loved him,relied on him.Gone.

Gritting his teeth as his dark mark stung,he apparated to the Malfoy Manor.To see the broken boy.The one that was once the boy that called him dad.

Gaping at the malnourished,soulless boy,James gaped at him,then to Sirius.'That is not the sarcastic,glaring kid,HE IS NOT MY SON!I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS'

avada kedrava.Avada Kedrava.AVADA KEDRAVA.

A/N:Ps ima change my name.Any ideas?

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